Monday, 19 November 2012

Wisdom of eating with fingers

Among the Sunnah Rasulullah SAW was eating with his right hand. He will eat with three fingers, three fingers and then licking it before cleaning. And if there is one mouthful of food fell from the hands of the Apostle, he will not leave the food, but take it from the ground, and then clean it and eat it.

The foregoing in accordance set forth in the words of the Prophet "if a food bribe one of you falls, take it, then clean the dirt, do not allow for the devil. Do not clean his hands with a handkerchief, but jilatlah fingers because he did not know which part of the food containing blessings. "(Muslim).

Prophet Muhammad always eat with three fingers. When finished eating, the Prophet Muhammad would be the third finger licking it. (Reported by Muslim)

When he first imagined eating using three fingers, maybe we will find that it is impossible to do especially if you have to lick it.

Some people do not like the luxurious lifestyle licked his fingers as he said, he was disgusted with the behavior. And if we had tried it once and we really do it carefully, you will be amazed and confused by what we do.

Prophet always eat using three fingers, because it did not find anything other than a finger can certainly clean so it can be used for dining. Then the Prophet lick your fingers because he thinks we do not know in which part of our food containing blessings. Thus, eating with three fingers and lick an effort to follow the Sunnah of the Messenger and worth of worship.

But this should not be a four or five fingers? You may not have to use three fingers. Eating use more than three fingers is allowed if the food contains a sauce or something that can not be eaten with three fingers.

So what was the wisdom of eating using your fingers? Imam Al-Ghazali in Ihya 'Ulumiddinnya, explains, "activity that meal can be viewed from 4 sides, namely:

ate with one finger to prevent someone from angry nature,
with two fingers will avoid arrogant nature,
eating with three fingers will avoid forgetting nature
and had to use four or five fingers to avoid gluttony. "
then why the Prophet uses three fingers? actually eat using three fingers to make each person can measure food portions for him.

He can also make each mouthful into the mouth to be chewed and mixed with saliva so well that we will not experience indigestion.

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