Saturday, 17 November 2012

The law takes the orphan's property

وٱبتلوا ٱليتمى حتى إذا بلغوا ٱلنكاح فإن ءانستم منہم رشدا فٱدفعوا إليہم أموٲلهم ولا تأكلوها إسرافا وبدارا أن يكبروا ومن كان غنيا فليستعفف ومن كان فقيرا فليأكل بٱلمعروف فإذا دفعتم إليہم أموٲلهم فأشہدوا عليہم وكفى بٱلله حسيبا

"And test the orphans until they are enough to get married. Later if you think they already have Rusydan, the treasure-Commit to them his property., And ye shall not eat the orphan's property over the limits of decency and (do not be) haste (spending ) before they mature. Who is able, let him refrain (from consuming the property of orphans) and who is poor, then he ate so-so treasure it by doing good. then when you meyerahkan property to them, then let you invent witnesses (about submitting it) for them. And enough is Allah as a supervisor (the testimony of it). "

Asbabun Nuzul

In the commentary of al-Munir told, that an orphan named Thabit bin Rifa'ah. Rifa'ah Thabit died leaving the property while still small. His uncle (brother Rifa'ah) become managers. He went to the Prophet Muhammad, he said "really young brother in pemeliharaanku an orphan, whether his property if I eat kosher? Should when given to Thabit?" as an answer, then this verse came down (up).

In a hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim, A'ishah, that this verse was revealed in connection with the Faqir wali orphan so he ate his property because of dire need.

Interpretation Mufrodat

Marriage is often defined mating. In this verse does not mean mating, but is meant is mature, if men had ihtilam (dream intercourse), if women are haidl. But if it is associated with wealth, the intention is to be able to take care of themselves, manage their own property and finance. This verse gives another sense; though a boy had ihtilam, if you can not take care of themselves and their lives are still dependent on their parents, then he is not worth marrying. Similarly, women who can not manage a decent shopping yet married. Called ready for marriage if someone already has a maturity of biological, economic, social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.

ROSYADA - YARSYUDU means to lead, teach, mendapai maturity. Rosyid means intelligent person, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, following the right path. Rusydan means reasonable, mature, piety, truth, consciousness, the straight path. Word of God

"There is no compulsion to (enter) religion (Islam), in fact has been clearly the right rather than the wrong path ... (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 256)

AROFA - YA'RIFU - IRFANAN means to know, recognize, acknowledge, wise, patient. 'ARIF people, Ma'ruf = known, that a known good value. Indigenous or respectful manner not provided for in religion but not against the Shariah. For example, kiss the hand to Mother Father. Ma'ruf in managing assets is not spending on things that are not useful.

Interpretation Clause

وٱبتلوا ٱليتمى حتى إذا بلغوا ٱلنكاح

Educate the children orphaned by the religion of Islam and other sciences as well as the skills to educate their own children, so that when they are old baligh test. Testing was not done as the regular school children. Look at his work, consider pelaksanaann worship, observe their behavior, to chat about his future. Practice in spending money. Give trust him to manage the property in stages. Also asked whether he was ready for marriage.

فإن ءانستم منہم رشدا فٱدفعوا إليہم أموٲلهم

If the results are encouraging as expected and you really know, feel and see attitude Cast Rusydan on their property themselves. Tell a history of wealth, origin and transfer of ownership rights of its staff. There is a test for people who already feel successful and benefit from the care of orphaned treasures, of course he does not want to hand it over immediately. Or even transfer ownership. Therefore Allah threatens them with his word

ولا تقربوا مال ٱليتيم إلا بٱلتى هى أحسن حتى يبلغ أشده وأوفوا بٱلعهد إن ٱلعهد كان مسولا

"Come not nigh to the orphan's property except to improve it better (useful) until he reaches maturity and fulfill the promise, the promise was certainly held accountable. (Surat Al-Israa [17]: 34)
ولا تأكلوها إسرافا وبدارا أن يكبروا

When they are not ready to accept responsibility in the management of his property, janganlan handed to him. In the management of his property should not spend excessively, so it goes beyond the purpose. Unless required by the calculation as stock future. For example, for school fees. That is, when there is no other way to fund it. Save to spend it, do not run out before they mature or independent. From this verse can be understood that the orphan's property should be managed and developed a lot. And they have to be educated to become independent and human category ready marriage.

 ومن كان غنيا فليستعفف

For rich people entrusted to take care of the orphan's property, ought to refrain from spending it. Forbidden to take their property, while he was a wealthy man. The more so if yours is not a lot of orphans and get out before they mature.

ومن كان فقيرا فليأكل بٱلمعروف

If penurus orphans a Faqir, while property duruskan much, then why did not he eat inheritance as a reasonable wage, because he was orphaned as a guardian. It could even take advantage of its staff when the results of management resources. It is closer kepadab Musharaka (cooperation between the owners of capital to the manager).

Aisha explains the verse above r.a
"He said that the subsection WAMAN Kaana GHANIYYAN ... BILMA'RUFI (who ought to refrain rich, whom he ate so-so Faqir ma'ruf way). Verse was revealed concerning the guardian of the orphan care and care of his property, if the trustee Faqir that he may eat of the asset by doing good (just the basic needs). (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

It is also claimed Faqir people who take care of orphans

"That a man came to the Prophet, he said," I am a Faqir Really, I do not have anything, but I have children fatherless. "His words," Eat of the property yatimmu children, do not overdo it, do not mubadzir, and do not damage the fortune "(Abu Daud)

فإذا دفعتم إليہم أموٲلهم فأشہدوا عليہم

During the handover of the orphan's property ought to be done with a special event, witnessed a relative or guardian and the witnesses were fair. It would be good if recorded lebh minutes and bearing the signatures of the witnesses. This is to maintain the trust and the trustee dab avoid suspicion from certain parties.

 وكفى بٱلله حسيبا

God as a watchdog over the course of minutes as well as the management, guidance, didikannya. God knows the good intentions of the kafil fatherless and his efforts as well as providing a great reward for them. God made a note of all fraud and provide punishment for the perpetrators.

If there are orphans in particular from our families or families who can not afford, make it as an opportunity to act pious. Good for the rich and for the poor. The rich are likely to pay for his life. As for the poor is open to take care of and educate. People who abandon orphans throw moreover, labeled by God as a liar religion. Unlawful harm and orphans. Word of God

فأما ٱليتيم فلا تقهر

"Therefore, the orphans do not you apply arbitrary. (Surah Adl Dluhaa [93]: 9)

Glance seem tricky to take care of orphans, let lawlessness, injustice done to take care of worry. It is a challenge to do it well if it is not based on faith will be hard, but we must strive to be virtuous people who educate and take care of his property (kafil) will be honored in the sight of Allah and His Messenger.

Word of the Prophet SAW
"My kafil orphans are in heaven here (he hinted index and middle finger and little merengganngkannya) (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

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