Sunday, 18 November 2012

Definition and purpose seclude themselves

Meaning seclude themselves
According to the language of honor I'tikaf means something and to keep myself always remain her, whether it be good or bad.

Allah subhanahu wata'ala said,
وجاوزنا ببني إسرائيل البحر فأتوا على قوم يعكفون على أصنام لهم
that is,
"And We seberangkan Children of Israel across the sea, then after they came to a people who beri'tikaf (worship) of their idols." (Surat al-A'raf: 138)

While according to Islamic rules' I'tikaf means a Muslim settlement in the mosque to perform obedience and worship of Allah Ta'ala.

Law seclude themselves
The scholars agree that legal i'ktikaf Sunnah, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam always do every year to get closer to Allah subhanahu wata'ala and begged his reward. Especially on a day-to-day in the month of Ramadan, and more specifically when entering the last ten days of the holy month. Such guidance taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.

Its Mandatory Beri'ktikaf
As we know that the law is the sunnah I'tikaf, unless someone bernadzar to do so, then it is obligatory for him to fulfill the vow. This is as described in the hadeeth of Umar bin Khattab radi 'anhu narrated by Imam al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Mentioned that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam never leave I'tikaf since he lived in Medina until his death.

Place seclude themselves
I'tikaf place in any mosque in which prayers in congregation executed men, the word of Allah, the Exalted,
ثم أتموا الصيام إلى الليل ولا تباشروهن وأنتم عاكفون في المساجد
"Then complete the fast until night, (but) you do not interfere with them, are you beri'tikaf the mosque." (Surat al-Baqara: 187)

People who beri'tikaf on Friday disunnahkan to beri'tikaf used in the mosque for Friday prayers. But if he beri'tikaf at the mosque for prayers congregation only five times only, then he should come out just for the Friday prayers (if the time has come), and then back again to the original iktikafnya.

Time seclude themselves
I'tikaf disunnahkan anytime at any time. So it permissible for any Muslim to choose the time when he started and when it ended i'ktikaf. However, the main thing is I'tikaf in Ramadan, especially the last ten days. This is the best time of I'tikaf as narrated in a hadeeth, meaning, "Behold, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam always beri'tikaf the last ten days of Ramadan until Allah mewafatkannya. Then the beri'tikaf after the death of his wife, he is." (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim, A'ishah radi 'anha)

Sunnah-Sunnah for People Looking seclude themselves
Disunnahkan for mu'takif that utilize the time available as well as possible for dhikr, reading the Qur'an, sunnah prayers, except at times forbidden, and the emphasis on meditation about the situation is past, today and future . Also a lot pondering the nature of life in this world and the life hereafter.

Matters that should be Avoided Mu'takif
People who are I'tikaf recommended to avoid things that are not useful as a lot of joking, chatting useless so that distraction i'tikafnya. Because I'tikaf is aiming to take advantage rather than concern themselves with things that do not disunnahkan.

There are some people who beri'tikaf, but by abandoning their duties and obligations. It can not be justified because it is not proportionate liability for someone leaving something sunnah. Therefore, the person should he stop i'tikafnya I'tikaf, if you have dependents or liabilities to be done.

The Things that Allow Mu'takif Out of Mosques
A mu'takif i'tikafnya allowed to leave if there are things that are very urgent. Among these are shitting out to the toilet to pee, to take a bath, go out to eat and drink if nothing is delivering food to him, and went to seek treatment when ill. Similarly, for purposes such syar'i Friday prayers, where he beriktikaf if not used for Friday prayers, a witness to a case and may also help families who are ill, if it requires to be helped. Also semisalnya purposes that are categorized dharuri (must).

Ban-ban in seclude themselves
People who are beri'tikaf not allowed out of the mosque only for trivial and unimportant, that can not be categorized as syar'i purposes. If he was forced out for things that do not need it, then i'tikafnya canceled. In addition, he is also prohibited from engaging in any unlawful acts such as backbiting (backbiting), tajassus (finding fault with people), reading and looking at things that are haram. In short all things forbidden outside I'tikaf, then during I'tikaf is emphasized again keharamannya. Mu'takif also prohibited for her intercourse, because it is canceling i'tikafnya.

Defining Terms in a seclude themselves
A mu'takif allowed to define the terms before making I'tikaf to do something permissible. For example, he set a condition that eating and drinking should be at home, it's okay. Another case when he returned with his wife screwed purposes, out of the mosque in order to relax or take care of the job, then i'tikafnya become void. Because they were contrary to the meaning and understanding I'tikaf itself.

Wisdom and Benefits of I'tikaf
I'tikaf has tremendous wisdom that animate the Sunnah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and turn hearts to always perform obedience and worship of Allah Ta'ala.

While the benefits I'tikaf include:

To reflect on the past and think of things that will be done tomorrow.

Bring tranquility, peace and light that illuminates the sinful heart.

Bring a wide range of favor from Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Deeds-deeds we shall be appointed by the grace and mercy

People who beri'tikaf at the end of the last ten days of Ramadan will be free from sin because in those days it was one of them coincides with Tatyana Qadr.

Hopefully Allah subhanahu taufik and inayah wata'ala give him to us in order to run the I'tikaf in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, especially in this glorious month of Ramadan.

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