Tuesday 4 December 2012

Experts Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah

Experts Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah: namely those who follow the way of Prophet Muhammad sollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and using all sources of the Qur'an and the hadiths are authentic and Thabit follow him and they also travel companions Radhiallaahu' anhum and use all the words are true companions and Thabit who come from friends, as mentioned in the Book At Tabsir Fid Din.

Understanding Sunnah is Sunnah sollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, when Jemaah understanding also is a collection of best friend and Tabi'en who agreed on the real truth of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sollallaahu' alaihi wasallam.

Expert understanding about Sunnah wal Jama'a is a collection of Muslims who adhere to the Koran, al-Sunnah and opinions of the Companions who agree on the real truth of the Book of Allah (the Qur'an) and the Sunnah of the Prophet sollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ( al-Hadith).

Said Syaikhuna Al 'Allamah Sheikh Muhammad Zahid Al Al Kawthari:

"Wajiblah we say that free survivors (annaji) than the fire of Hell, who was walking on travel companions radhiallahu 'anhum and on the way the largest group of Muslims than Muslims, which they hold to iktiqad-iktiqad and law- crescent legal presence in the Islamic Religious dharuri known to science (real ones not be denied, and nothing can be disputed as is the sun and ourselves) and other fathers (who follow no travel companions and travel the Muslims who than most Muslims) are those misguided ",

Let note that free-berpecah fathers and fathers in the case iktiqad branching tribe-tribe it is everlasting so exhausted chronicle of human life, the so-determined Nor sayugia many tribe-tribe numbers are misguided, kerana was always there-fathers sake only tribe that lead to misguided thoughts and fahaman that deviate (from traveling companions and travel the Muslims the most), while there are people living in this world.

This school didokong strongly by 2 famous Imam namely, Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari and Abu Mansur al-Matuuridi.

The emergence of Early School History Expert Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.

Al Imam Abu Al-Hassan Al-Ash'ari radhiallahu anhu see what you've got upwards of Muslims from various attacks upon iktiqad way and he got up to defend the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and membasmikan heretics.

At first he tried to reconcile the two sides of the conflict was to restore both sides to the middle, then he said to the first tribe that free you are right when you say the Koran was Baharu lafaznya, Baharu on reading, Baharu on writing, and he said to one another tribe that free you are correct that free your destination that free al-Quran qadim namely the nature of God which is in substance the kalam Nafsi and Nor should you ingkarkan Baharu lafadz people reading the Koran and reading the recite al-Quran, as well as the other fathers ye shall not deny the substance of existing properties kalam Allah Nafsi namely that no berlafaz and no sound was.

Al Imam Al-Ash'ari said to have been the first party that free deny Allah Ta'ala of nature up close and meet with living creatures, and of the form is correct, but above compulsory tajalli you confess God is with no berkaifiat. And he said to the other: Do you sabitkan way and close and meet and all things brought into Baharu Allah Ta'ala (muhaddas) and you really should see if you sabitkan God for those believers in the afterlife with no kaifiat.

That Al Imam Ash'ari has triumphed gather Muslims and make them come together, and membasmikan gnarly people and break their outrageous and has come up many questions of equitable land of Islam and he answered all of them, then his name was magnified averaging Islamic world Islamic world and filled with the books of Al Imam Al-Ash'ari and his followers's book in court case Sunnah and reject all sorts of heretics and the fathers of experts and specialists ilhad ahlul Jewish and Christian books. The followers have been in the ground berselerak Iraq, Khurasan, Levant and Maghreb Countries.

Basic Expert Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.

Experts have said tribe Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah and have ijma 'and they muafakat that free basic iktiqad as follows:

1. Nature namely each other than Allah Taala was Baharu like the Stars, Sun, Moon and the Sky, and the contents of the content of both.

2. Being Allah Ta'ala is compulsory (no)

3. Nothing anyone who makes anything but God nevertheless.

4. Allah Ta'ala is qadim for ever and ever.

5. Allah Ta'ala that are the properties of knowledge (know), kudrat (power) and other attributes of perfection to Allah Taala.

6. Nothing there is something like God, and there is no rival to Allah and there is no peer to Allah Taala.

7. Nor Allah Taala held everywhere the place.

8. Nor there is something there for substance Baharu Allah Taala.

9. Allah Ta'ala is not taking something airy room, Nor Allah Ta'ala is on the one hand, and Nor Allah Ta'ala said to move, move, ignorant, stupid, lying, and no shortage of nature there is something else be leaning to Allah Taala.

10. Allah Ta'ala it may be seen by those believers in the hereafter.

11. What did Allah Taala berkehendakkan, nescaya he will apply, and what Allah Taala no Nor he willed it to take effect.

12. Allah Ta'ala is the richest of all things Allah Ta'ala and no hunger on something.

13. There is no obligation upon Allah Taala make or leave anything, may Allah Ta'ala give a reward to someone then it is only by God's abundant grace excess, and Allah Ta'ala would torture a person that then it only applies to the justice of God nevertheless.

14. Allah Taala make something with no purpose of getting no benefit from something.

15. Nothing Anybody who becomes a judge ruled Allah Taala.

16. Nor should say on what is or Allah Taala judged that a despotic and robbery cases and perverted. Kerana God rules man did the ability of human reason. (Laa illah Yukallifullaahu nafsan wus'ahaa).

17. Allah Ta'ala is not tribes and had gone there for him, and there are no limits for him and perenggan and demarcation.

18. Allah Taala power in numbers adds powerful creatures and Allah Taala on subtracting the number creature.

19. Jisim human beings and will initially turned on qiamat is true and correct. So it is also true that free replies good or evil in the actions of creatures, and think about being on the deed, which dilintangkan Titian Sirat on the fire of Hell, Balance Scales for practice creature, Heaven and Hell has been available it has been made available, Eternal expert in Heaven forever Heaven and Hell in eternal hell forever experts but people who do not shirk to God, everything is true and correct and right.

20. Should and should not be to Allah Ta'ala forgives the sinner error.

21. Flirt intercession ask Allah Taala ampunkan error is seduction was right and true and correct.

22. Allah Ta'ala have exposed the Apostles supported by various miracles, than since the Prophet Adam alaihis Salam that our Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sequel apostles there no prophet or apostle loose and after our Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, everything is correct, true and right.

23. The friends that binds loyal obedience to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam under a principal who called Bai'atul Redzwan and companions in the army in the battle of Badr was named all of them are professionals Heaven.

24. The king who ruled the Muslims shall be appointed by the influential Islamic Ahlul they called Wal Aqdi Hilli.

25. The government is right, true and right after the death of our Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was Caliph Hadrat Abu Bakr, Hadrat Umar then, then later Hadrat Ali Hadrat Othman radhiallahu 'anhum Ajmain.

26. Caliph more and more mainstream ritually pure and orderly follow the above arrangement is namely

Caliph Hadrat Abu Bakr, then
Hadrat Umar, then
Hadrat Othman later
Hadrat Ali radhiallahu 'anhum Ajmain.

27. Experts Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah not punish unbelievers to the worship of a person facing the Qiblah Kaabah in Makkah Al Mukarramah, but that person would deny there is a God who made the universe who is all-powerful and is All-Knowing, or would he associating anything with Allah (shirk) or would he ingkarkan one prophet rather than the prophets of God who has a real prophetic or ingkarkan something that has come up than Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam known to science and know that dharuri, or something he ingkarkan cases and one word ijma Islamic scholars like him who have sickle ingkarkan case ijma ulama in the case that something illicit.

It is iktiqad Expert Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah and hold their trust. The tribe-tribe other than the above are heretics and not kufr, then iktiqad Experts Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah that as mentioned above this is a safe and prosperous iktiqad and tranquility from the fires of Hell. As for the other iktiqad is no kufr and heresy and every heresy is heresy, and every heresy is the return of Hell.

Said Al Imam Tajuddin Assubki in Mu'aidunni'am Wal Mubidunniqam:

The Sunni Muslims are the people that the Hanafi school, the School of Asy Syafi'e and those schools Maleki and the good people of the Hanbali school

Praise the case iktiqad everything together, everything they walk on Expert mind Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah, all berugama and worship Allah Ta'ala by Imam Experts Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.

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