Tuesday 4 December 2012

The History of Imam Syafi'i

His name is Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-'Abbas ibn' Uthman bin al-Saib bin Syafi'e ibn 'Ubayd ibn Yazid ibn Hashim ibn' Abd al-Muttalib bin 'Abd Manaf ibn Murrah ibn Kilab Ma'n bin bin Lu' i bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kinana bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrakah son Ilias bin Al-Nadr bin Nizar bin Ma'd bin 'Adnan bin bin Udad Ud. Descent he met with descendants of the Prophet bead on 'Abd Manaf. His mother came from the tribe of Al-Azd, a famous Yemeni tribes.

Before he was born, his family had moved to Palestine kerana multiple purposes and father involved in the armed Tentera assigned to guard the borders of Islam there.

In the opinion of the famous, he was born in Ghazzah - Palestine in the year 150 AH. Not long after he was born his father died. Stay together his mother as an orphan. Life through a childhood of deprivation and hardship.

IMAM AL-Shafi'i odyssey

Living Imam as-Syafi'e (150H - 204H) is an odyssey siri arranged in the form of a very interesting and very impressive against the establishment of scientific criteria and popularitinya.

As-Syafi'e in Makkah (152H - 164H)
His odyssey began since he was two years old again (152H), when he was brought by his mother moved from his birthplace of Ghazzah namely, Palestine to the City of Makkah to live with the family there.

In Makkah, his life he did not keep his deep dihantar to the Banu Huzail, according to the tradition of the Arabs at the time that free delivery of their young children to the township could inherit their mother language proficiency of the original source are not yet affected by the integration of foreign languages like Parsi language and so on. One more case is so young they can be procured by Al-Furusiyyah (Exercise War Horse). His life at this stage take a period of twelve years (152 - 164H).

As a result of his efforts, he was proficient in the language of science and history in addition to the sciences in connection with the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith. After he came home from the village that he continued learning efforts with several professors in the City of Makkah so that he became famous. With ingenuity and scientific ability he has been able to attract the attention of the Grand Masters namely Muslim bin Khalid Al-Zinji which allowed him to berfatwa age while he was still ranked in the teens again namely fifteen years.

As-Syafi'e in Medina (164H - 179H)
After that he moved to Medina and met Imam Malik. He coterminous with Imam Malik studied science until well into the next Imam Malik died in the year 179H, namely for fifteen years.
During his relationship with his Imam Malik with other scholars who settled in the city as well as coming from the outside going well and utilitarian. From here it can be understood that free him in Madinah during been able to inherit not only the science of Imam Malik but also from other scholars are well known in the city.

As-Syafi'e in Yemen (179H - 184H)
When Imam Malik died in the year 179H, Medina diziarahi by Gabenor Yemen. He was backed up by the people partly Qurasyh Al-Madinah in order to find jobs for As-Syafi'e. Then he melantiknya run a job in the area of ​​Najran.

Since then As-Syafi'e continue living in Yemen so applicable exchange Gabenor territory in 184H. In that year a libel inflicted on ourselves as-Syafi'e so he faced before Harun al-Rashid in Baghdad on charges of new Gabenor often received criticism As-Syafi'e kerana cruelty and kezalimannya. But it turns out that free him not guilty and he was later released.

As-Syafi'e in Baghdad (184H - 186H)
The incident though by chance, but it brings huge erties to the As-Syafi'e kerana first, he likely religious visit to Baghdad renowned as a center of science and scientists in the meantime. Both, he is likely to meet with Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Shaibani, a prominent Hanafi and Imam Abu Hanifa sidekick and other characters in the school of Ahl al-ra'y. In the event that opened a new era of Al-Imam siri odyssey to force Baghdad to say three times before he moved to Egypt.

In this first odyssey As-Syafi'e lived in Baghdad so that the year 186H. During this period (184 - 186H) he had read the books of Ahl al-ra'y School and studied, especially the writings of Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Shaibani, in addition membincanginya in some scientific debate in the presence of Harun Al-Rashid itself.

As-Syafi'e in Makkah (186H - ​​195H)
In 186H, As-Syafi'e back to Makkah to bring with him the results of his efforts in Yemen and Iraq, and he continued to involve himself in the field of teaching. From here comes a new star in the sky berkerdipan Makkah bring a new breath in the fiqah, not one breath Hijazi, nor Iraqi and Yamani, but it is the union of all streams to it. Since it is the opinion of scholars and a half, was born a new Fiqhi School who later identified with the school of Al-Shafi'e.

For nine years (186 - 195H) As-Syafi'e spent his time in the holy city of Mecca together other scientists, discuss, teach, assess in addition to trying to give birth to a single essence of several streams and often conflicting issues that he encountered during that period.

As-Syafi'e in Baghdad (195H - 197H)
In the year 195H, for the second time As-Syafi'e go to Baghdad. Departure time is no longer as an accused, but as a pious Makkah who already has a personality of its own and fiqah flow. This record shows that the displacement time he has lived in the country for two years (195 - 197H).

Within this short period he debuted propagate "Method Usuli" that differed from what was known at the time. This deployment is certainly pose a tremendous response and reaction among the scientists who are mostly affected by the method of the Hanafi School which is spread by the School's main character, namely Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shaibani.

Al-Karabisi said: "We do not know whether before this (term) Al-Kitab Al-Sunnah and al-Ijma ', until well into the coming of Al-Shafi'i, she who explained the purpose of Al-Kitab Al-Sunnah and Al- Ijma '".

Abu Thaur said: "As-Syafi'e said: Verily Allah Ta'ala has named (in his book) about something common purpose but He willed it means typical, and he also mentioned something unique purpose but He wants a common point, and we (at the time) not to mention knowing that matters, then we ask him ... "

At that time he was also said to have written the first book of his proposal at the request of 'Abdul Rahman bin Mahdi, and also some other writing in the field of fiqah and others.

As-Syafi'e in Makkah and Egypt (197H - 204H)
After two years in Baghdad (197H) he returned to Makkah. In the year 198H, he came out originally to Baghdad and stayed there only a few months of our other features. At the beginning of the year 199H, he went to Egypt, and to the country in that year. In this new country that he settled into his death in the year 204H.


Switching him to Egypt resulted in a major change in his school. The impression of these changes involve many diBaghdad helped him fatwa during the same turn. Many books fiqahnya content that he produces in Baghdad disemak original and modified. With this, there are two for the As-Syafi'e fatwa, fatwa old and new fatwa. Fatwa fatwa length is all spoken or written during he was in Iraq, his new fatwa fatwa is spoken or written during his stay in Egypt. Sometimes called a fatwa old school of old or new fatwa qaul qadim and called the new sect or qaul Jadid.

Here we must understand it is not everyone that free new fatwa fatwa violates the duration nor the cancellation of all these old fatwa, even in the new fatwa fatwa that violates long and there is also the same with the old one. Imam Al-Nawawi said: "Actually, because everyone says it's old fatwa was withdrawn and not merely by the ghalibnya diamalkannya sake only".

Imam As-Syafi'e return to the bosom of the Divine in the year 204H, but it does not return any result penjejasan Fiqhi flow and the development of a diasaskannya Usuli. In fact, it is distributed and diusaha principles were developed by his companions who were in Al-Hijaz, Iraq and Egypt.


Among the companions of Imam As-Syafi'e famous Al-Hijaz (Makkah and Al-Madinah) is: -

1. Abu Bakr Al-Hamidi, 'bun Abdullah Al-Zubair Al-Makki who died in the year 219H.

2. Abu Wahid Musa ibn 'Ali al-Jarud Al-Makki that a lot of copying the books of Al-Shafi'i. It is not known chronicle death.

3. Abu Ishak Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn al-'Abbasi ibn' Uthman bin Shafi 'Al-Muttalibi who died in the year 237H.

4. Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Idris chronicle death unknown.

While in Iraq, we also see the bustling Imam As-Syafi'e famous among them are: -

1. Abu 'Abdullah Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam School fourth. He died in the year 241H.

2. Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Za'farani who died in the year 249H.

3. Thaur Abu Ibrahim ibn Khalid Al-Kalbi who died in the year 240H.

4. Al-Harith bin Al-Naqqal Suraij, Abu 'Umar. He died in the year 236H.

5. Abu 'Ali al-Husayn ibn' Ali al-Karabisi who died in the year 245H.

6. Abu 'Abd RahmanAhmad bin Yahya Al-mutakallim. It is not known chronicle death.

7. Abu Zayd 'Abd al-Hamid ibn al-Walid al-Misri who died in the year 211H.

8. Al-Husayn Al-Qallas. It is not known chronicle death.

9. 'Abdul' Aziz ibn Yahya Al-Kannani who died in the year 240H.

10. 'Ali bin' Abdullah Al-Mudaiyini.

In Egypt also there are all these prominent scholars sebilangan they are companions of Imam As-Syafiei, such as: -

1. Abu Ibrahim Isma'il bin Yahya bin 'Amr bin Al-Mudhani Isaac who died in the year 264H.

2. Abu Muhammad al-Rabi 'bin Sulaiman Al-Muradi who died in the year 270H.

3. Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Yahya Al-Misri Al-Buwaiti who died in the year 232H.

4. Harmalah Najib Abu Yahya bin Al-Tajibi who died in the year 243H.

5. Abu Musa Yunus bin 'Abdul A'la Al-Sadaghi who died in the year 264H.

6. Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn' Abdullah bin 'Abdul Hakam Al-Misri who died in the year 268H.

7. Al-Rabi 'bin Sulaiman Al-Jizi 256H.Dari who died in their persistent efforts, the School As-Syafi'etersebar and spread throughout the Islamic shoreline in subsequent eras.


According to Ibn Al-As-Subki that free Syafi'e School has grown and spread its influence in the averaging places, urban and rural, across the shoreline of an Islamic state. His followers are in Iraq and surrounding areas, in Naisabur, Khurasan, Muru, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Hejaz, Iran and other eastern countries up to the border of India and China. Sebegini deployment extends at least to us to imagine the extent of the authority of Imam As-Syafi'e peribadi as a cleric and a school of excellence as the only stream flow mencabar fiqah that era.


The beginning of his school.
Actually writing Imam As-Syafi'e it generally has a tight linkage with the formation of his school. According to Muhammad Abu Zahrah absurd that free pwmbentukan only started since his return from a visit keBaghdad in the year 186H.

Before that As-Syafi'e is one of a follower of Imam Malik, who often defend their opinions and the opinions of jurists 'Al-Madinah other than condemnation and criticism fuqaha' Ahl Al-ra'y. His attitude which led to his famous sebegini call "Nasir Al-Hadith". Seconds earliest began when he opened his school where teaching (halqah) at the Masjid al-Haram.

His work in developing the so-so absurd that dibahagikan to three ranks: -

1. Rating Makkah (186 - 195H)

2. Rating Baghdad (195 - 197H)

3. Ranked Egypt (199 - 204H)

In each of the above ratings have crowded his disciples and followers who have received and spread all the opinions of ijtihad and the study results.

Writing PertamanyaMemang bit difficult to determine if the first book produced by As-Syafi'e and where and then whether it produces the first book in the Science Fiqah and where? This difficulty is berpunca of the absence of clear information about both the case. Wandering from one place to one place to another and return of the original to the initially added more difficult for us to determine at which he mulakan business writing.

What we've encountered - after we menyemak several pieces of old and new books that touch the history of his life, only a few signs indicating that free his book "Al-Risala" was written at the request of 'Abdul Rahman bin Mahdi, namely a book on the Science Proposal, any This information also does not mention whether the book is the result of the first writing or other pre-existing books it produces.

In addition to the schism of opinion among the 'ulama in relation to the place where he produces the writing of his book. There are opinions that say that free he wrote while he was in Makkah, and there are also opinions that say that free writing when he was in Iraq.

Ahmad Muhammad Shakir said: "As-Syafi'e has authored several pieces of a rather large number of books, sebahagiannya he himself had written, and then read out to the crowd. Sebahagiannya sake only did he plan it to his companions. To think that his book numbers books is indeed difficult kerana magnitude telahpun partly lost. The books that have been produced writing when he was in Mecca, Baghdad and Egypt ".

Even if the above description should not be accounted for then can we make a conclusion that free-Syafi'e As was commences siri writing again when he was in Makkah, and the possibility of his book is the first that produced the book "Al-Risala". Al-Hujjah And School Books qadim.

In addition to the "Al-Risala" there is a book more often cited by scholars as a book that contains fatwa School Qadimnya namely "Al-Hujjah". Any information about this book shows that the he was not the first book written on dala Science Fiqah during he was in Iraq, and the writing was not so clear. According to some information, he produced it when he moved to the country in times of both, namely between the years 195 - 197H.

Together, "Al-Hujjah" that there are several other pieces in the book that he produced Fiqah Science alone writing or his plan to his best friend in Iraq, which like the following books: -

1. Al-Amali

2. Majma 'al-Kafi

3. 'Uyun al-Masa'il

4. Al-Bahr al-Muhit

5. Kitab al-Sunan

6. Kitab al-Taharah

7. Kitab al-Solah

8. Kitab al-Zakah

9. Kitab al-

10. Kitab al-Haj

11. Bitab al seclude themselves

12. Kitab al-Buyu '

13. Kitab al-Rahn

14. Kitab al-Ijarah

15. Kitab al-Nikah

16. Kitab al-Talaq

17. Kitab al-Sadaq

18. Kitab al-Zihar

19. Kitab al-Ila '

20. Kitab al-Li'an

21. Kitab al-Jirahat

22. Kitab al-Hudud

23. Kitab al-Siyar

24. Kitab al-Qadaya

25. Book Qital ahl al-Baghyi

26. Kitab al-'ITQ and others

Half narrators also has called that free first book produced by As-Syafi'e is in the form of retort and debate, namely the writing of the intended typical to the jurists 'ahl al-ra'y as answered their critics against Malik and jurists' Al-Madinah.

The fact they are based on the history of Al-Buwaiti, "said As-Syafi'e: Ashab al-Hadith (followers of Imam Malik) has come together with me. They have asked me to write a retort to the book of Abu Hanifah. I replied that free me not to mention their opinions, give me the opportunity to be able to see their books. So I ask that copied the books copied books itu.Lalu Muhammad bin al-Hasan to (reading) me. I read it for a year so I can menghafazkan all of them. Then did I write my book in Baghdad.

Even if based on the information above, we first produced by As-Syafi'e during his in Iraq is a book in the form of retort and debate, and the way the writing is the same way as ahl al-ra'y writing. It also shows that the earlier period of his writing was the writing of the book "Al-Risala", namely between the years 184 - 186H.

Method Writing Scriptures QadimBerhubung the method of writing the book "Al-Hujjah" and others we can not confirm with certainty kerana attitude walkin home we met, there is still another possibility manuscript origin and may also have been lost or rosak It is the time eaten. Walaubagaimanapun he was not expelled - this is just one possibility of other features - of his time writing method that is affected by the flow contention schools of jurists' in some problems, for example the prevailing conflict between the Hanafi school of his da Maliki School as well. This situation can be seen in the writing of the book "Al-Um" which was originally a collection of several pieces Qadimnya School books. Each book, each carrying an editorial by itself, and then we were also solved the small chapters also have a distinctive canopy-canopy.

In every chapter is loaded with all sorts of issues that are subject to editorial fiqah namely heading for something big book, for example the book "Al-Taharah", it contains thirty-seven small chapter heading, all the content of the chapters had to do with the Book " Al-Taharah ".

School narrators QadimRamai among his friends in Iraq who meriwayat fatwa qadimnya, among them famous only four other features: 1. Abu Thaur, Khalid bin Ibrahim who died in 240H.2. Al-Za'farani, Al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin Sabah who died in 260H.3. Al-Karabisi, al-Husayn ibn 'Ali ibn Yazid, Abu' Ali who died in 245H.4. Ahmad ibn Hanbal who died in 241H.Menurut Al-Asnawi, As-Syafi'e is 'ulama' first writing results include many chapters in Fiqah Science.

Originally reshuffle books QadimPerpindahan him to Egypt in the year 199H led to the introduction of the large debris to the fatwa ever. This reshuffle is berpunca of his discovery with new arguments that have not been met so far, or he finds his deep traditions that are not valid to his knowledge when he wrote the books qadimnya, or his deep traditions proved valid as when he was in Egypt after their validity has not he know. Then with his deep that he had rejected the fatwa partly based on the length of the principle: "If found authentic hadith sesebuah School then that's me".

In the book "As-Syafi'e Manaqib", Al-Baihaqi has touched the name of several pieces of old books (qadim School) were originally disemak by As-Syafi'e and partly changed his fatwa, among the books are: -

1. Al-Risala

2. Kitab al-Siyam

3. Kitab al-Sadaq

4. Kitab al-Hudud

5. Kitab al-Rahn al-Saghir

6. Kitab al-Ijarah

7. Kitab al-Jana'iz

According to Al-Bayhaqi longer As-Syafi'e been told that burned in old books which ijtihad fatwa has been changed. Al-Bayhaqi records that shows that the As-Syafi'e forbade his companions meriwayat the opinions that rejected the old crowd.

Even so we still have the opinions that raged here and there in the books fuqaha 'absurd samada books written fuqaha' of the foregoing or any fuqaha 'the latter. The possibility of this is true with his deep old books narrated by Al-Za'farani, Al-Karabisi and others are scattered in Iraq and to the extent known, especially among scholars and those who accept his opinions did not know he ban it.

The jurists' sake only noted it was not the length of the opinions in their writing, even according to Al-Nawawi was among those who dared mentarjihkan their opinions when they found it was supported by authentic traditions.

Pentarjihan they are not also considered menentangi As-Syafi'e will, in fact that's the school of opinion based on the principle: "If found authentic hadith sesebuah then that is my madhhab."

But if something ever think it is not supported by authentic hadith that we will see two attitudes among the jurists' School As-Syafi'e: -

First: The opinion should be selected and used by someone mujtahid School As-Syafi'e on the basis of it is the opinion of the As-Syafi'e dimansuhkan not him, his deep one mujtahid (as As-Syafi'e) when he issued an opinion that bercanggah barumya the duration of the opinion that free is not bererti he has drawn his first opinion, even in the matter was considered to have two opinions.

Both: It does not have that old opinion he chooses. This is the opinion jumhur jurists' opinions School As-Syafi'ekerana old and new are two conflicting opinion that it is impossible to synchronize both.

The books School JadidDi among the books he produced writing in Egypt or his plan to his friends there is:-i. Al-Risala. This book has been written for the first time before he berpeindah to Mesir.ii. Some of the pieces in the book of laws furu 'contained in the book "Al-Um', such as: -

A) In the chapter Taharah:

1. Kitab al-Wudu '

2. Kitab al-Tayammum

3. Kitab al-Taharah

4. The Book Concern al-Mani

5. Kitab al-Haid

B) In the chapter Solah:

6. Book Istiqbal al-Qiblah

7. Kitab al-Imamah

8. Kitab al-Gomaa

9. Book of prayers al-Khauf

10. Book of prayers al-'Aidain

11. Kitab al-Khusuf

12. Kitab al-Istisqa '

13. Book of prayers al-Tatawu '

14. Tarik Al-hukm fi al-Solah

15. Kitab al-Jana'iz

16. Book Ghasl al-Mayyit

C) In the chapter Zakat:

17. Kitab al-Zakah

18. Book of Zakat al-Mal Orphans

19. Book of Zakat al-Fitr

20. Book Fard al-Zakah

21. Book Qasm al-Sadaqat

D) In ​​the chapter Siyam (Fasting):

22. Kitab al-Siyam al-Kabir
23. Book of Lent al-Tatawu '
24. Kitab al-seclude themselves

E) In the chapter of Hajj:

25. Kitab al-Manasik al-Kabir
26. Mukhtasar al-Haj al-Kabir
27. Mukhtasar al-Haj al-Saghir

F) In the chapter mu'amalat:

28. Kitab al-Buyu '

29. Kitab al-Sarf

30. Kitab al-Salam

31. Kitab al-Kabir al-Rahn

32. Kitab al-Rahn al-Saghir

33. Kitab al-Taflis

34. Kitab al-Hajr al-Saghir wa Bulugh

35. Kitab al-sulh

36. Kitab al-Istihqaq

37. Kitab al-Himalah wa al-Kafalah

38. Kitab al-Himalah al-wa wa al-Sharikah Wakalah

39. Kitab al-Iqrar wa al-Mawahib

40. Kitab al-Iqrar bi al-hukm al-Zahir

41. Kitab al-Iqrar al-Akh bi Akhihi

42. Kitab al-'Ariah

43. Kitab al-Ghasb

44. Kitab al-Shaf'ah

G) In the chapter Ijarah (Rent-hire):

45. Kitab al-Ijarah

46. Kitab al-AUSAT fi al-Ijarah

47. Kitab al-Kara 'wa al-Ijarat

48. Ikhtilaf al-marker wa al-Musta'jir

49. Book of Kara 'al-Ard

50. Kara 'al-Dawab

51. Kitab al-muzara'ah

52. Kitab al-Musaqah

53. Kitab al-Qirad

54. Book 'Imarat Aradin wa al-Ihya' al-Mawat

H) In the chapter 'Ataya (Gift-menghadiah):

55. Kitab al-Mawahib

56. Kitab al-Ahbas

57. Kitab al-'wa al-Umra Ruqba

I) In the chapter Wasaya (wills):

58. Kitab al-Wills li al-Warith

59. Kitab al-Wasaya fi al-'ITQ

60. Book Taghyir al-Wasiah

61. Book Sadaqat al-Hay'an al-Mayyit

62. Book Wasiyat al-Pregnant

A) In the chapter Faraid and others:

63. Kitab al-Mawarith

64. Kitab al-wadi'ah

65. Kitab al-Luqatah

66. Kitab al-Laqit

K) In the chapter of Marriage:

67. Kitab al-Ta'rid bi al-Khitbah

68. Book Tahrim al-Jam'i

69. Kitab al-Shighar

70. Kitab al-Sadaq

71. Kitab al-walimah

72. Kitab al-Qism

73. Book Ibahat al-Talaq

74. Kitab al-Raj'ah

75. Kitab al-khul'a wa al-Nushuz

76. Kitab al-Ila '

77. Kitab al-Zihar

78. Kitab al-Li'an

79. Kitab al-'Adad

80. Kitab al-Istibra '

81. Kitab al-Rada '

82. Kitab al-Nafaqat

L) In the chapter Jirah (Jenayah):

83. Book Jirah al-'Amd

84. Book Jirah al-khata 'wa al-Diyat

85. Book Istidam al-Safinatain

86. Al-Jinayat 'ala al-Fetus

87. Al-Jinayat 'ala al-Walad

88. Khata 'al-Tabib

89. Jinayat al-mu'allim

90. Jinayat al-Baitar wa al-Hujjam

91. Kitab al-Qasamah

92. Saul al-Fuhl

M) in the Hudood section:

93. Kitab al-Hudud

94. Kitab al-Qat'u fi al-Sariqah

95. Qutta 'al-Tariq

96. The nature of al-Nafy

97. Kitab al-Apostate al-Kabir

98. Kitab al-Apostate al-Saghir

99. Al-hukm fi al-Sahir

100. Book Qital ahl al-Baghy

N) In the chapter Siar and Jihad:

101. Kitab al-Jizyah

102. Kitab al-Rad 'ala Siyar al-Auza'i

103. Kitab al-Rad 'ala Siyar al-Waqidi

104. Book Qital al-Mushrikin

105. Kitab al-Asara wa al-Ghulul

106. Kitab al-Sabq wa al-Ramy

107. Book Qasm al-Fai 'wa al-Ghanimah

O) In the chapter At'imah (Eat-food):

108. Kitab al-Ta'am wa al-Sharab

109. Kitab al-Dahaya al-Kabir

110. Kitab al-Dahaya al-Saghir

111. Kitab al-Said wa al-Dhabaih

112. Children of Israel the Book Dhabaih

113. Kitab al-Ashribah

Q) In the chapter Qadaya (Justice):

114. Book of Adab al-Qadi

115. Kitab al-Shahadat

116. Kitab al-Qada 'bi al-Yamin Ma'a al-Shahid

117. Kitab al-Jammat Da'wa wa al-Bayyinat

118. Kitab al-Aqdiah

119. Kitab al-Ayman wa al-Nudhur

Q) In the chapter 'ITQ (Liberation) and others:

120. Kitab al-'Itq121. Kitab al-Qur'ah

122. Kitab al-Bahirah wa al-Sa'ibah

123. Kitab al-Wala 'wa al-Half

124. Kitab al-Wala 'al-Saghir

125. Kitab al-Mudabbir

126. Kitab al-Mukatab

127. Book 'ITQ Ummahat al-Aulad

128. Kitab al-Shurut

In addition to the books over there again the other books by al-Bayhaqi disenaraikan as suggested books, but it also contains laws furu ', such as: -

1. Book Ikhtilaf al-Ahadith

2. Book Jima 'al-Ilm

3. Book Ibtal al-istihsan

4. Kitan Ahkam al-Qur'an

5. Book of Bayan Fard al-Lah, 'Azza wa Jalla

6. The nature of the book al-Amr wa al-nahy

7. Book Ikhtilaf Malik wa al-Shafi'i

8. Book Ikhtilaf al-'Iraqiyin

9. Kitab al-Rad 'ala Muhammad ibn al-Hasan

10. Book of 'Ali wa' Abdullah

11. Book Fada'il Quraysh

There's a longer book as-Syafi'e resulting in Science Fiqah namely "al-Mabsut". The book is introduced by al-Bayhaqi, and he named it "al-Mukhtasar al-Kabir al-Manthurat wa", but in the opinion of scholars is likely he is half the book "al-Um".
He died at the age of 54 years.

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