Sunday, 18 November 2012

WOMEN IN awrah in prayer

WOMEN IN awrah in prayer: The scholars agreed by the arguments that exist to establish that free limit a woman's private parts are all over the body, except the face and both palms. In Arabic, it says jami'u badaniha illa al-wajha wal kaffaini (whole body except the face and two palms).

Perhaps the problem so the point here is about the term hand. In the Malay language, if al-kaffaini translated as palm, is not really a proper translation. For what is meant by al-kaffaini are palms, includes a portion in (bathinul kaff) and the outer portion or back (zhahirul-kaf). Meanwhile, when translated to the palm of the hand, it is only the portion in the palm alone.

Proper translation is palm covering portion inside and out. So the limit is the beginning of the genitals of the wrist by hand (ar-risghu).

Thus, when there is a woman praying with a look back (rear) hand, does not include visible private parts. Because the back of the hand not including the genitals, so it may look.

As a comparison, you may still remember that free a woman who was about to show the proposed permitted tread face and both hands. Certainly not just the portion which are allowed to be seen, but the backs of his hands, including who should be seen as well. Because the back of the hand does not include genitalia.

Err The cleric On Limitation Aurat Woman in prayer

Actually, if you want further deepened again, still we find some modest differences from the view of the scholars about the limits within women in prayer. Some of them we can mention here, among others:

a. School Hanafiyah

According to this school, female genitalia boundary is the entire body, except bathinul kaffaini (Courant in palms) and dzahirul qadamaini (outer portion of footprints). So prayer with palms visible portion in the law allowed. As a second look bolehnya Courant footprints outside to limit ankle.

b. School Malikiyah

In this school there are two kinds of private parts, namely mughalladzah (heavy / large) and mukhaffafah (light / small). Aurat mughalladzah boundary between the center and the knee. While aurat mukhaffafah the entire body except the face and palms both outside and inside.

Then the restriction was associated with the law due to the cancellation of the opening prayers on each of these types of private parts. When exposed genitalia mughalladzah, solatnya canceled and he had to repeat solatnya over again. It was if he was able to close it but leave it alone.

Whereas when exposed genitalia mukhaffafah, solatnya not canceled, despite letting haraam or makrooh. And he did not have to repeat solatnya, limited legal mustahab (recommended) to repeat the prayer if the time remaining.

c. Ash-Shafi'i School

According to this school, female genitalia boundary is the entire body, except the face and both palms, dzhahiruhma wa bathinuhuma. That is not including the genitals is a face and both palms Courant both inside and outside portion. So praying with visible tread face and both hands in and out of legal portion may, kerana not including genitalia.

d. Hambali School

According to this school, female genitalia boundary is the entire body, except his face. While second hand good tread portion in its outer portion palms including genitalia. So in that prayer should not be seen only his face, while the outer palm in including genitalia that must be closed.

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