Sunday, 18 November 2012

The story of Moses and Pharaoh Detailed

PROPHET MUSA as: Birth of Prophet Musa MusaNabi diutuskan by God to lead the Israelites to the right path. He is the son of the daughter of Imran and Yukabad Qahat, (Musa ibn Imran bin Qohath son of Levi, the son Yakqub bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim), siblings (brother and sister followed sesetengah transmission) with the Prophet Aaron, was born in Egypt in the reign of Pharaoh.

Pharaoh With his deep enough to worry about birth Pharaoh law that every baby boy born to continue to be killed. The action was taken he was influenced by his deep astrologer who interprets dreams.
Egyptian Pharaoh dreamed burned and people died, but the tribe of Israel, while the astrologers say the power of the country will fall into the hands of the man's tribe of Israel. Caused no thought, he meamerintahkan every house was searched, and if found necessary dibunuh.Ibu baby boy Moses, Yukabad gave birth to a baby boy (Moses) and the birth dirahsiakan. Kerana hesitated to safety Moses, if Moses Moses mencecah age of three months washed away into the Nile. Moses was found floating in the river Pharaoh's wife, Asiya himself while taking a shower and without dilly brought to the palace. Seeing his wife carrying a baby, Pharaoh with no teragak-bit drew his sword to kill Moses. Asiah said: "Do not kill this kid I loved his deep. Whether we make it like their own children kerana I do not have children. "In the words of Asiah, the Pharaoh did not have the heart to kill Moses Meets Musa.Nabi IbunyaKemudian Asiah get nanny but no one can mendodoikan Moses well, in fact he's busy Want to cry and not fed. After that, her own mother appeared to care for and raise it in the court-Quran Firaun.Al menghuraikan event: "So We restored him to his mother to be happy and not mourn her, and so she knew the promise of Allah is true, but most people do not know." One day, Moses Pharaoh supports childhood, but suddenly pulled his beard until he was in pain, and said: "O my wife, maybe a child that will knock my power." His wife said: "Be patient, he still childhood, yet intelligent and know nothing. "Since the age of three months to adult Moses lived in the palace so that people called the son of Pharaoh Moses. Moses himself was given the family name of the Pharaoh. "Mu" means water and "sa" intends principal findings blessing places on the banks of the Nile by Asiah.Mukjizat Moses face FiraunMeleraikan pergaduhanKisah pertembungan among miracles of Moses with Pharaoh magic of witches was caused virtually started the event in which at one point during Moses took a look around the city and then he terserempak two men were fighting, each among the Children of Israel and the people of Pharaoh named Samiri came forth, Fatun. Moses is looking pergaduhan Want mententeramkan them, but denied Fatun. Without dilly Moses kept menghayunkan one up Fatun pounder, then collapsed and died dunia.Apabila found him dead kerana actions, Moses begged forgiveness of Allah as revealed in the Qur'an: "Moses prayed: O my Lord, indeed I have been persecuting me himself that his deep forgive me. So God forgave him, verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "Moses out of Egypt and later BerkahwinTidak crowd know Fatun deaths caused Moses and the news delivered to participate right leader Pharaoh. Eventually they catch Want Moses. Caused urgency, Moses took the decision out of Egypt. He walked without direction and purpose, but after eight days, he reached the town of Madyan, namely the city of Prophet Shoaib in the eastern Sinai Peninsula and the Gulf of Aqabah in the south Palestin.Musa stay at home as the Prophet Shoaib (Jethro) so berkahwin with some old daughter named Ṣaffūrah (Zipporah). After conjugal life in Midian, Moses requested permission to return Shoaib Mesir.Berbicara with AllahDalam journey, the king and his wife finally arrived at Mount Sinai. From far away, the king ternampak fire, then thought about Want to get it to be a road extension. Majesty left his wife for a while to get the fire. When arrived at the fire lit, the king found a fire burning on the subject, but do not burn the subject concerned. It menghairankannya and when that king's voice was a revelation than Tuhan.Selepas God said to him, meant: ".... O Moses, verily I am God, namely the Lord of hosts." His Word again, meant: "And throw your wand, if it became a snake Moses saw moves like a snake, he berundur without looking. O Moses came to me, do not be afraid, thou art truly safe. "After that God said again to Moses, that is:" Put your hand into the neck of your shirt, white is definitely out shine and dakapkan both hands to his chest his deep fears .. .. ". Sticks are exchanging a king snake and a glowing white hand were two miracles that Allah told Prophet dikurniakan Musa.Pulang To Egypt And Dealing With Wizard FiraunTatkala king on his way home from Midian to Egypt, to Pharaoh and his followers faced fasiq. Pharaoh was angry enough to know the return of Moses who brought the teachings Want practiced other than during this so called all sorcerers to defeat two miracles regard. Pharaoh's sorcerers each issued a miracle, there is among them throw the rope continues to be a snake. Still, all warlock brought snakes swallow large snake was coming rather than batons Musa.Firman God intended: "Throw that which is in your right hand, he surely would swallow what they make. Actually what they do is just trickery wizards and witches will not win it from anywhere it comes. "All the magic of wizards ditewaskan Moses uses two miracles regard, caused partly than the followers of Pharaoh, including his wife, following the teachings of the under Moses. Is looking sorcerers and partly faithful adherents to the teachings of the Prophet Moses, Pharaoh angry and punish groups regard. When his own wife to death dunia.Nabi diseksa Splitting LautNabi Moses Moses with the believers so that they fled to the Red Sea. With the power of God, that divided the sea, and they can cross it. However, Pharaoh and tenteranya already raging chasing them from behind, they were all dead sea drowned.

Figure Ornament
The Quran tells us: "And remember when We divided the sea for you, but We saved you and drowned Pharaoh and his followers are watching me."
Bermunajat Moses on the Mount SinaSelepas out of Egypt, Moses with partly followers from among the Children of Israel into the Mount Sina to get your book rather than God. However, before that Moses fasted for 30 days required in Zulkaedah. When Want bermunajat, he considers unpleasant mouth odor. He brushed my teeth and chewing the leaves of wood, and angels, and he rebuked actions required to fast 10 days lagi.Dengan Moses was fasting even 40 days.
When bermunajat, Moses said: "O my Lord, nampakkanlah zatMu me so I can see you." Allah says: 'You will not be able to see me, but cuba see that hill. If he remained standing in place as before, then nescaya you can see me. "Moses continued to look toward the hill meant it and suddenly the hill was destroyed to enter the bowels of the earth, without leaving bekasnya.Musa aghast and trembling all over body then pengsan.
If SedarMusa continue to glorify glorify and praise God, saying: "Most great are you, O Lord, forgive me and accept taubatku and I'll be the first person faithful to Thee." When bermunajat, Allah revealed to him the Torah. According to the commentators, when that book concerning the form of stone or wood pieces, but her detailed guide to all the diredhai God.
Before Moses went up the hill, he promised his people would not leave them more than 30 days. But Moses delayed 10 days, 40 days kerana forced to replenish fast. Disappointed to miss the Israelites Moses returned to them. The absence of Moses build them as if in darkness and there among them think outrageous to think he will not be back again. In this uncertain situation, a sorcerer named Samiri came forth from their ranks to take the opportunity to spread shirk. He also said that Moses was lost in the search for God and will not return. When that, too, Samiri came forth to make cows than gold. He put a lump of earth, a former horse hoofs through Gabriel as chair of Moses and his followers crossed the Red Sea. The statue was made Samiri came forth a voice. (According to the story, when his horse Want Moses crossing the Red Sea with the people, Jibril was in front up the first with a mare, a stallion who followed Moses and his followers ride. Then urged the crowd Samiri came forth: " Oh my friends, apparently Moses is no longer there and there is no point in us worship God Moses. now, let us worship calves diperbuatkan than gold. He can speak and this is our god worthy of worship. "
After that, Moses returned and saw his people worshiping a statue of a calf. He was angry with the actions Samiri came forth.

The Word of God: "Then Moses returned to his people in anger and sad. Said Moses;, O my people, did not your Lord promise you a good promise? Has it been a long time passed it to you or did you want to be your Lord's wrath upon you, that ye kerana covenant with me. "
Moses asked Samiri came forth, as told in the Qur'an: "Moses said, whether that pushed you to do so Samiri came forth? Samiri came forth answered, 'I know something they do not know, then I grab a handful of soil (ex Gabriel footprint) and then I put in the calf statue. So I followed my soul impulse. "
And Moses said: "Go you and your followers than me, calf statue would I burn it and threw it into the sea, in fact you will have seksa." People are stubborn Moses, their hearts are covered by kufr, even fond of doing illicit affair, so able to express a desire to see God, new believers Want.
The Word of God: "And remember ye said: O Moses, we will not believe in you until we see Allah manifestly, you are struck by lightning kerana it, while you watch. After that we raised you after death, that ye may be grateful. "

Firaun Allah tyranny gave much pleasure to the Children of Israel, whom Pharaoh freed rather than tyranny, living in the fertile region, have Torah and apostles among them, but they are not grateful, even giving various reasons. They also turned the revelation of God to Moses in order to move to Palestine. The reason they are afraid to face given his deep interest Kan'an. Telatah the Children of Israel were cowardly grieved Moses, so he prayed: "O my Lord, I do not master other than myself and my brother Aaron himself, so be separate us from the wicked and kurniaMu ungratefulness." Punishment of the Israelites who reject the commandment of God is forbidden they entered Palestine for 40 years and during that time they roam the earth without a place to live in confusion tetap.Mereka that all is lost. Palestinians then occupied by Israel baru.Bani generation also memperlekehkan their Messenger, which can be seen through the story of the cow as in surah al-Baqarah: "And remember when Moses said to his people, Allah tells you to slaughter cows. They say: if you want us to make a mockery ... "Moses died at the age of 120 years, but expressed no opinion on the age of 150 years on the Mount Nabu ', where God commanded to see the promised holy sites, namely Palestine. But he did not get into it.

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