Sunday, 18 November 2012

Understanding and misguidance taqiyyah

Taqiyyah: taqiyyah by Muslims is a term that means only directed to the meaning of "Lies". Meanwhile according Shia 'taqiyyah' actions mean someone who showed something totally different to what is in his heart, does that mean nifaq and cheat in an attempt to fool people. Taqiyyah is a principle of the principles of their error. Taqiyyah has remarkable position, they had put in a great and special, so they make it as a principle in their religion, with taqiyyah a servant will be rewarded and the deeds of God.

Taqiyyah ARTICLE ONE of the Shiite religious pillars, as well as prayer. Ibn Babawaih said: "Our belief about it is he's taqiyyah mandatory. Whoever left the equivalent of leaving the prayer. "[Al-I'tiqadat, hal.114].

They attribute the sixth imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, he said: "If I say that free the left taqiyyah same prayer would leave me completely." [Al-I'tiqadad, hal.114] As they say also that free: "az-Daulah Zalimin" they assert, "is fard taqiyyah required of us in a state of people who do wrong. Kerana whoever left taqiyyah then indeed he has violated the Twelver faith and had to leave him. "[Bihar op. cit. 57/421]

Taqiyah defined by one of the Shia cleric, Muhammad Jawaad ​​Mughniyah, as follows: "taqiyah namely you say or do (something) different from what you believe to deny the danger of you or your wealth or to maintain your honor" (Muhammad Jawaad ​​Mughniyah, As Shia fil Mizaan, p: 48) Doctrine taqiyah a Shiite party of aqidah. Al-Kulaini attribute to Imam Ja'far Shodiq who said: "O Abu Umar indeed nine-tenths (ninety peratus) is located on religion (creed) taqiyah, and no religion for people who do not do taqiyah. Taqiyah is in every thing except in nabidz (korma are soaked in water to make wine) and the sweep khuuf (sweatshirt or leather). " And also from Abi Abdillah dinukilnya he said: "Keep your religion and religious cover it with taqiyah, kerana no faith for people who do not have taqiyah." (Usul al-Kafi, p: 482-483) Refer to the above arguments, that free taqiyah Shiites regard it as something that is fard (obligatory), for the establishment of this school will not except with taqiyah, and they received the basics of school are hidden -hidden and overt. They always melakukann taqiyah at the time the state is seen to threaten them.They should deceive the Muslims to follow his deep passions devil, as well as their error propaganda. They assume that free taqiyyah higher position than a person of faith. "Imam Bukhari 'them, namely Muhammad Al-Kulaini said:" Bertaqwalah in Allah' Azza wa Jalla in your religion and protect your religion with taqiyyah, then indeed does not have the faith people bertaqiyyah not. He also said "Who deploy meaningful Rahsia he hesitated, and who told the family meaningful than infidels. '." [Al-Kafi S 2/371, 372 & 218]. And thus makes taqiyyah firqah Shiites, the pillar of religion and making it as a religious symbol. Confidence in bertaqiyyah obligations cause them to be lying. So the act is a "trade mark" or a Shiite symbol. For example there is a saying, "He was more a liar than the Rafidhah" [al-Sahabah Mawaqif Verification fi al-Defamation]. Said they postulate bolehnya taqiyyah is the Word of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, meaning: "Let not the believers take the pagans guardian (lover, helper, leader) to leave the believers. Anyone who does so nescaya, he must let loose of pertolongon God except kerana (Finesse) maintain themselves from something to be feared from them. "[Ali Imran: 28]. This is istidlal (making the argument) is wrong, a clear violation of understanding verse that did not receive Such ta'wil above; 'maintain themselves' referred to in the verse is' nourish themselves from the infidels.' Word of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, does that mean: "Unless people are forced to disbelieve but their hearts remain calm in the believers (he is not sin). "[An-Nahl: 106]. istidlal is also erroneous and far from the truth kerana paragraph is specifically for people who can not stand torture, if he's forced to utter disbelief, then he should say no and diamalkan.Sebagaimana believed they beristidlal the word of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, through oral Ibrahim, does that mean: "Then he looked at one glance up at the stars, and then he said,' Verily I am sick '," [Ash-Shaffat: 88-89].'s not with lies and deceit Shiite models, but this verse allow "tawriyah" (incognito) in Zahir greeting if required in conditions darurat.Ucapan Ibrahim "I am sick", meaning, "Of your charity and you worship the idols." It's not a lie but it contains allusions (ta'ridh) for the purpose syar'i, namely destroying their gods after being abandoned by his worshipers. Even taqiyyah Shiites not only lawful for man, but also lawful for the Prophets and Apostles. This is very bad and cruel as well as real munkar. Kerana Allah Ta'ala sent His Prophets and Messengers to the task of communicating the message of their Lord, teach us and sanctify them. If not would not have spread their propaganda, no conflict will arise between them and the people they diutuskan him, certainly will not feel the exams, tortures and bahaya.Al mara-Qur 'an is the best of witnesses in this case, and that denying this is the word of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, it means: "(namely) the people who deliver the treatises of God, they were afraid of him and they were not afraid of a (any) besides Allah. "[AI-Ahzab: 39]. Among Shia history is the lie that dikaitkankan taqiyyah to the Messenger of Allah They call from Abu Abdillah asDia said: "When Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul (leader of hypocrites) died, the Prophet jenazahnya.Maka attend Umar rebuked the Prophet, "Is not Allah has forbidden you to stand on his grave?" The Messenger terdiam.Umar repeated again, "Is not Allah Almighty has forbidden you to stand on his grave?" So he said, "Woe you, do you know what I'm saying? Actually I said, "O Allah cover her mouth with fire, fill the grave with fire, and insert him into the fire of hell." Abu Abdillah as saying: "It is clear that the Prophet what was she did not like. "[al-Kafi fi al-furu '. Kitab Al-Janaiz 3/188] Is this kind of the nature and character of Prophet who was sent as' rahmatan lil'alamin', which came as a teacher and educator for mankind? It's a lie and deception of those heretic to drop maruah Prophet sawAllah 'Almighty has praised His Prophet says which means: "And verily, you are on top of the great morals." Fraudulent charges and indicted taqiyyah contrary to the contents and meaning of this verse. Then divide that still has a sense, whether Rasululalh saw require taqiyyah attitude and nifaq while very strong position and the position is very high when it? Deservedly, Ibn Salul who require this taqiyyah attitude and his deep lies the weakness of her strength in the face of the dreaded Islam.Apakah by the Prophet so that in the presence of Ibn Salul bertaqiyyah already a corpse! "Fear ye God, and be ye with the right people." [At-Tawbah: 119] "O you who believe in Allah and bertaqwalah say the word is right. "[Al-Ahzab: 70] We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of those who have qualifies Prophet who was sent as a mercy to the spreading properties as tadi.Sesungguhnya taqiyyah by Rafidhah is real hypocrisy, but say they want something with something else. Ordered something openly and forbid if bersendirian. Allaah has described the hypocrites and those traits are traits that are used to Shiites and educated with a humble education, and from sanamereka pass it on to children mereka.Allah 'Almighty says: "When the hypocrites come to thee, they say, we recognize that free ye are truly the Messenger of Allah. And Allah knows that free thou truly His Messenger. And Allah knows that free real hypocrites are liars indeed. "[Al-Munafiqun: 1]. Allah says, does that mean:" And when they meet those who believe, they say we believe, and when they returned to the devil -devil, they say, 'Verily, we see eye to eye with you, we were just joking. "[Al-Baqarah: 14]

Background TaqiyyahKedudukan Aqeedah Shia had previously experienced a crisis when they open the pages of their books in this book in which al-Imam threaten and intimidate, and in the fourth book of another priest who justifies and in the sixth book of the same priest forbid, the priest says 'sun' while another priest says 'Moon', they find that free speech of people they believe to be the priest who Ma'shum free of errors and kegelinciran turns greeting them in a conflicting case without finding any justification for it. As they were shocked when their history partly contained in praise and love of the Prophet Companions , And admitted baiyat against them, contrary to what they believe. So they are more complex difficulties, kerana fools and misguided menghukumi hakham Rafidhah have misguided people around them, and fill their hearts with hatred towards the friends and ummahat Al-Mu'mineen - may Allah meredhai them-throughout the ages. So they ran to deception and apostasy. They see that free no safe way for them but to taqiyyah. They designed the concept taqiyyah and equip with various fadhilah, so they have been suckered manusia.Apabila people besieging them and that their religion is stupid people-may Allah give guidance to those-who can not afford to make a judgment on the issue of faith . If they hear of a priest who said such and such, they directly confirmed before telling people that tune hadith hadith. They have made their followers as a prisoner for greeting the priests who forged it, they have instilled kerana deaf blind obedience to the priest, they have to scare their followers and have been drugged with hadiths which had nothing to do with Islam.Maka if speech a priest against priest itself, or the words of a priest bercanggah with another priest, they say it actually happened because taqiyyah. They actually have graced this taqiyyah with various virtues and privileges according to their desires.

How Testimony Ulama They? Here is penyaksiian Shiite cleric taqiyyah intelligent about which he mentioned in his book, "Truly I believe that free with absolutely convinced there is no one in the world ummah humiliating himself by accepting taqiyyah concept and practice it. Here I am, I ask God sincerely and I know the day that the Shiites do not even think, never even think about taqiyyah especially about its practice. "And he adds," the fact that the obligation is to make its attention to Shiites kaedah morals required by Islam or all Muslims, namely: a Muslim should not cheat, do not lick, do not do unless the Truth and nothing but the Truth even said to him. And indeed it is a good deed well in all places and bad deeds are bad in all places. "So he said," Let them also know that what they attribute to Imam Sadiq taqiyyah of speech is' religion and the religion of the father- my father ', in fact it is simply a lie, a lie and a slander upon the priest's very great. "[ibid, hal.159] As one of Iran, Ahmad Al-Kisrawi," Verily taqiyyah is one kind of lie and nifaq, is still need to investigate about the evils lie and nifaq? "[Shia wa At-Tasyayyu ', p.87].

Indeed, it is only permissible taqiyyah for weak people who can not be suppressed that no thought on the eternal truth and for those who do not occupy qudwah (example) for humans, as they are the people who should not take rukhsyah (taqiyyah) this. As for the people who have the passion and determination of the priest who became petuntuk way then they shall take azimah (law firm) endure, remain steadfast in the path of God no matter what they face. And the companions of the Prophet were s.a.w. the person to which the noble Qur'an. Allah says:

"The power, the glory is for Allah, to His Messenger and to the believers people, but the hypocrites know not." [Al-Munafiqun: 8].

So should not people who are noble (strong) only comes from a special friend, kerana Ali and Ibn Abbas, not a hypocrite nor a despicable person that took the stance taqiyyah.Ibnu Taymiyyah said, "This is the attitude Rafidhah". Syi'ar them is humiliation, and the clothes they are nifak taqiyyah, their capital is a lie and perjury. They lie on behalf of Jafar As-Siddiq that he said: taqiyyah is my religion and the religion of the father-my father. And God had made ahlul temple of it and did not require him to make them, they are human kerana most honest and most noble faith. Their religion is piety and not taqiyyah [Al-Muntaqa: 86].

This is the essence of the religious Shiite taqiyyah he is nothing but a lie, nifaq, and fraud: there is no mandate for them, there is no sincerity and honesty in their religion. They are the liars who take pride in his lie and blatant human-vice in the eyes.

Allah says: "Among the believers there are those who keep what they had promised to God, then among them there were killed and among them (there were) were waiting for and they do not change the slightest change promise, That Allah may reward the true men that his deep truth, and torture people hypocrites if He wills or accept their repentance. Verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "[Al-Ahzab :23-24].

Attacks Against Shiites SahabatApa they say about friends? Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Shiites Rafidhah said: Behold the mask anshar muhajirin and texts so they are unbelievers but only slightly, more than 10 people and indeed Abu Bakr, Umar and people seem to be hypocrites, who previously was then a pagan faith. [Majmu 'Fataawa 3/356]. Mengaguhnya They are also good friends, they have kerana Abu Bakar, then everything becomes infidel except three or four persons, (Book of Shia Ithna' asyariyah) were from Hinan bin Sadir (SYI figure ' ah) from his father from Abu Ja'far, he said: "All men become infidels after the death of the Prophet except three persons namely: Miqdad ibn Aswad, Abu Zar al Ghifari and Salman al-Farisi." [Al-Kafi, 12/321, 322] . More than that they are infidel party of experts Bait Prophet , Such as Al-Abbas ibn Abbas and Abdulullah, they take it stunted and stupid. [Usul Kafi 1/247]. Then take a look at how they perceive the noblest generation to be like the devil or Abu Jahl. And with their taunts to friends alone bererti denounce the Prophet and Islam. It is enough to ward off evil with the Hadith: "Do not reproach my best friend, because if you had gold at Mount Uhud berinfaq will match their kindness (though) one half of mud or" [HR. Bukhari from Abu Said Al-Khudri] Not only that but they also mengkafirkan sake only caliphs, as well as the state government menghukumi kafir.Menurut Shiite Itsna'asyariyah, all that free government is bathil Itsna'asyariyah than government, and is the cause of Evil rulers. Whoever berbai'at him are like people who membai'at cause of Evil. They argue that in addition to all of the Caliph Ali and Hasan is the cause of Evil, even if they are called to the truth. Al-Majlisi said: "that free Khulafa 'Ar-Rashidun are usurpers apostate from Islam, may Allah curse them and those who follow them, they menzalimi Ahlul kerana verse from beginning to end." [Usul Kafi: 1/427 and Rijal al -Cushi things: 35]. In the bin Ja'far al-Sadiq, Shia Rafidhah said: Sham Population worse than the Romans (Christians), and the people of Medina seventy times worse in Makkah, while the unbelievers in Makkah has markedly.

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