Allah juga sudah berfirman:
Larangan memakan burung berkuku jam ini didasarkan sabda Rasulullah Saw:
Dari Ibnu Abbas berkata: “Rasulullah melarang dari setiap hewan buas yang bertaring dan berkuku tajam” (HR Muslim)
c. Binatang yang diperintahkan supaya dibunuh
lima binatang yang diperintahkan untuk dibunuh karena termasuk binatang
yang merusak dan membahayakan, berdasarkan hadits berikut:
Aisyah berkata: Rasulullah bersabda: Lima hewan fasik yang hendaknya
dibunuh, baik di tanah halal maupun haram yaitu ular, gagak, tikus,
anjing hitam (gila), burung elang.” (HR. Muslim)
d. Binatang yang dilarang untuk dibunuh
Ada empat macam binatang yang dilarang dibunuh. Binatang tersebut telah tersebut dalam hadits berikut:
“Dari Ibnu Abbas berkata: Rasulullah melarang membunuh 4 hewan : semut, tawon, burung hud-hud dan burung surad.” (HR Ahmad)
Katak, berdasarkan beberapa pendapat juga termasuk jenis hewan yang dilarang dibunuh karena sering digunakan sebagai obat.
e. Binatang yang hidup di 2 (dua) alam
Sejauh ini belum ada dalil dari Al-Qur’an
dan hadits yang shahih yang menjelaskan tentang haramnya hewan yang
hidup di dua alam (laut dan darat). Dengan demikian binatang yang hidup
di dua alam dasar hukumnya “asal hukumnya adalah halal kecuali ada dalil
yang mengharamkannya.
Berikut contoh beberapa hewan hidup di dua alam dan hukum memakannya:
1) Kepiting: hukumnya halal sebagaimana pendapat Atha’ dan Imam Ahmad.
2) Kura-kura dan penyu: juga halal
sebagaimana madzab Abu Hurairah, Thawus, Muhammad bin Ali, Atha’, Hasan
Al-Bashri dan fuqaha’ Madinah. (Lihat Al-Mushannaf (5/146) Ibnu Abi
Syaibah dan Al-Muhalla (6/84).
3) Anjing laut: juga halal sebagaimana pendapat imam Malik, Syafe’i, Laits, Syai’bi dan Al-Auza’i (lihat Al-Mughni 13/346).
4) Katak/kodok; hukumnya haram secara mutlak menurut pendapat yang rajih karena termasuk hewan yang dilarang dibunuh sebagaimana penjelasan di atas.
5) Buaya; termasuk hewan yang haram karena memiliki taring yang kuat. A. THE ANIMALS HALALThe animals are halal means animals that may be eaten according to Islamic law. Broadly speaking halal animals can be grouped into two parts, namely:1. Animals that live in the Sea / AirAll the animals that live in the sea or in the air is alal to eat either captured or were found dead (carrion), unless the animal is toxic or harmful to human life.Halal marine animals is based on the following arguments:
Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Maida verse 96Meaning:Lawful unto you marine game and food (derived) from the sea as a delicious meal for you, and for people who in the course, and forbidden upon you (catch) ground game, as long as you are in ihram. and fear Allah, that to Him you shall be gathered. (Q.S. Al-Maida [5]: 96)Hadith of the Prophet:From Abu Hurairah RA, he said: Rasululla Prophet said: the sea that the sea water is pure and halal carcass. (Narrated by Imam Four)Word of the Holy Prophet:"Dilahalalkan for us (to eat) da sorts of carcasses and two kinds of blood, dead fish and dead grasshopper and two blood is the liver and spleen" (Narrated Daruqthni)2. Animals Living in the LandNot all land animals is lawful, but there are some unclean animals according to Islamic law. This means that the animal should not be diakan because of the prohibition of the Shari'a. Kosher land animals eaten are:a) Animals, such as buffalo, cows, camels, goats, sheep and others.b) Horses, antelope, deer, wild himar, rabbits, small birds, and others.Theorem is used as a legal basis is as follows:The Word of God:
Meaning:And he has created cattle for you; him there (feathers) that warms and various benefits, and sebahagiannya you eat. (An-Nahl Q.S. [16]: 5)In another verse, Allah says:
Meaning:(They are) those who follow the apostle, the Ummi Prophet who (name) they found written in the Torah and the Gospel that is on their side, were told they were doing good work, and prohibits them from doing the unjust and justifies them all that is good and forbidding all that is bad for them and dispose of their burdens and the shackles that exist on them. So those who believe in him. honor him, help him and follow the bright light that revealed to him (Al Quran) That they are the lucky ones. (Q.S. Al-A'raf [7]: 157)From the above verses it is clear that all types of animals are bred is halal, except the bad or keharamannya described in the Qur'an or the al-Hadith.B. ANIMALS ARE HARAMAnimals are prohibited animals should not be eaten by Islamic law. Unclean animals has been described in the Qur'an and al-hadith. By because they were, we can not justify that has been prohibited or otherwise forbid anything was permissible.Various kinds of unclean animals is as follows:1. Animals that are forbidden in the explanation of the Qur'ana. The animals are mentioned in the Qur'an Surah al-Maida verse 3:Meaning:Forbidden to you (take) carrion, blood, pork, (meat animals) are slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, who choked, hit, a fall, gored and killed the beast, except that you could kill it, and (forbidden ) were slaughtered for idols. and (also forbidden) raffle fate with arrows, (raffle luck with the arrow) is wickedness. This day the disbelievers have been desperate to (beat) your religion, so do not fear them, and fear Me. This day I perfected for you your religion has been, and has been my both ends meet My favor unto you, and Ku-ridhai Has Islam become religion for you. If anyone is forced by hunger accidentally sin, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Q.S. Al-Maida [5]: 3)In these verses there are 10 types of food that are clearly forbidden by Allah, namely:1) Carcass2) Blood3) Pork4) The meat of animals slaughtered in the name of other than Allah5) The animals were strangled6) Animals are beaten7) Animals that fell8) The animals are headlong9) Animals that have eaten wild animals10) Animals are slaughtered for idolsb. Animals are dirty / vileBased on the Word of God:Meaning:(They are) those who follow the apostle, the Ummi Prophet who (name) they found written in the Torah and the Gospel that is on their side, were told they were doing good work, and prohibits them from doing the unjust and justifies them all that is good and forbidding all that is bad for them and dispose of their burdens and the shackles that exist on them. So those who believe in him. honor him, help him and follow the bright light that revealed to him (Al Quran) That they are the lucky ones. (Q.S. Al-A'raf [7]: 157)c. Himar village / benign and gighal (grafting and himar horse / donkey)God forbid himar benign as defined in His Word:Allah also says:Meaning:And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys, for you to ride and (make) jewelry. And Allah creates what you do not know. (An-Nahl [16]: 8)2. According to the Forbidden Beast al-Hadith Explanationa. The beast / fangs, such as: Tiger, Wolf, dogs, cats, monkeys, and others. Bersarkan words of the Prophet:Each beast has eaten Tarig is aram. (Transmitted by Muslim and at-Turmidzi)b. Sharp-toed bird, like a hawk, eagle, parrot, and others.The ban takes toed bird hours are based words of the Prophet SAW:Ibn Abbas said: "Allah forbids every beast fangs and sharp nails" (Muslim)c. The animals were ordered to be killedThere were five animals were ordered to be killed because it includes a destructive and dangerous animals, based on the following hadith:"From Aisha said: Messenger of Allah said: Five wicked animal should be killed, both licit and illicit land that snakes, crows, rats, black dog (crazy), the falcon." (Narrated by Muslim)d. The animals are forbidden to be killedThere are four types of prohibited animals killed. Animals have been mentioned in the following hadith:"Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger forbade killing 4 animals: ants, wasps, birds and bird Hoopoe surad." (Ahmad)Frogs, based on some opinions also include the type of prohibited animals killed for frequently used as medicine.e. Animals that live in 2 (two) naturalSo far there has been no arguments from the Qur'an and authentic hadith that describes the prohibition of animals that live in two worlds (marine and terrestrial). Thus, animals that live in two worlds legal basis "if the law is lawful unless there is proof that the mengharamkannya.Here are examples of some of the animals living in two worlds and legal to eat:1) Crab: as lawful Atha opinion 'and Imam Ahmad.2) The tortoise and turtle: halal as well as madzab Abu Hurairah, Thawus, Muhammad ibn Ali, Atha ', Hasan Al-Basri and jurists' medina. (See Al-Mushannaf (5/146) and Ibn Abi Al-Muhalla Syaibah (6/84).3) Seals: also halal imam Malik's opinion, Syafe'i, Layth, and al-Auza'i Syai'bi (see Al-Mughni 13/346).4) Frogs / toads; absolutely haraam in the opinion of the rajih because it includes a prohibited animal killed as described above.5) Crocodile; including unclean beast because it has a strong canine.
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