Tuesday 20 November 2012

Wayfarer Ordinance

Half of us are always out, as was his deep business, religious visit family and friends or simply kerana be on a vacation. There are among us do not take the story of the journey, as long as it is definitely the place ditujui. But in Islam there are some reasonable guidelines given attention, including:

1. It is advisable began on Thursday.

Through diriwayat Bukhari hadith mean: "The Messenger of Allah went to Tabuk on Thursday. Messenger of love began his journey on Friday. "

2. Tee advisable traveling at night time.

In a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, the Messenger of Allah said, meaning: 'Walk the Earth at night kerana be shorter at night. "

3. Recommended bermusafir together.

History Hadith Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah said, meaning: "If people know the dangers bermusafir alone as I know, of course they are reluctant bermusafir alone."

4. Pray a journey

Word of the Prophet, as narrated by Tirmidhi, meant: "Three prayers will surely Allah is granted the prayer of the persecuted, the prayers of the way and prayers of parents towards their children."

5. beginning of the trip and pray

In the history of Hadith Tirmidhi, Abu Hurairah RA narrates one man said (to the Prophet), O Messenger of Allah, I will embark on a journey (wayfarer), so give advice to me. The Prophet said: you shall fear Allah and bertakbir each time passing (through) high places. After the man left, the Prophet prayed, "O God, draw near distance journey and made it easy journey."

Prophet, if a person leads bermusafir, not his hands off than those relating terbabit before releasing first hand.

Then, the king prayed (means): "I Leave to Allah your religion, and its sequel amanatmu charity." (Hadith history Ahmad)

6. It is also advisable immediately returned to the family if the affair is over.

The Prophet meant: "The trip was partly rather than punishment. He can not eat well and drink a good snooze and sleep soundly. If a person than you had completed his business, immediately returned to his family. "(Hadith Bukhari and Muslim History)

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