Monday 19 November 2012

People who would go to hell

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah was asked: What works and what the hell skilled experts conduct heaven?

He replied: "Hell is the act of associating partners with Allah experts ta'ala, rejected the messengers, unbelief, envy, lying, betrayal, injustice, every cruel, broken promises, terminate a friendship, fear jihad, miserly, not as careful with the outward, breaking despair of the mercy of Allah, feel secure from Allah treason, restless as can be natural, proud and arrogant when it can be pleasure, leaving the obligations of Allah, beyond the rule of Allah, tearing his honor, more afraid of the creatures, charity with fun and sum'ah , violate the Qur'an and Sunnah in belief and deed, being obedient to the disobeys Allah, the evil zealot, ridiculing the verses of Allah, opposing the truth, hiding things that should be described as the science and the testimony, witchcraft, disobedience to parents, to kill a soul forbidden by Allah, feeding the orphan's property and usury, fled from the battlefield and women accused of adultery who preserved her chastity. " (Yaqazhat Ulil I'tibar: 222).

Prophet sholalohu'alaihi wasallam never mentioned a bunch of sins a person plunges into hell. In sahih Muslim, from Iyadh bin Hammar, that the Prophet sholalohu'alaihi perbah wasallam said in a lengthy sermon: "The inhabitants of Hell are five kinds: first stupid and weak people who do not have a position, where she invited him come; second traitor ever looking for the slightest opportunity to treason, the three men who always cheat you on the property and your family in the morning and afternoon. Sholalohu'alaihi Prophet SAW also said stinginess, falsehood and the foul words. "
Certain people are certainly in Hell

Ahlus Sunnah no one was sure that they were as expert Heaven or Hell except those already set by Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They believe that people who die in a state of Islam, faith, good deeds and pious will be incorporated into Heaven, on the basis of the verses and hadiths authentic.
Allah Ta'ala says:
وبشر الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أن لهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار
"And Convey glad tidings to those who believe and do good, that they supplied for Heaven Heaven-flowing rivers in it ..." [Al-Baqarah: 25]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من مات لا يشرك بالله شيئا دخل الجنة, ومن مات يشرك بالله شيئا دخل النار.
"Those who died in a state not associate anything with Allah, he will enter Paradise, and whoever dies in a state of associating God with something, then he will go to Hell." [HR. Muslim (no. 93 (151)), of the Companion Jabir ibn 'Abdillah radi anhuma].
Similarly Ahlus Sunnah assign certain people to hell who no doubt are infidels and polytheists without naming the si-si-so and so so and so and, except on the basis of the verses of the Qur'an and authentic hadiths who has the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam tell us about certain people who become residents of hell, namely:
Pharaoh in the time of Moses, as in the letter Huud verse 98:
يقدم قومه يوم ٱلقيمة فأوردهم ٱلنار وبئس ٱلورد ٱلمورود
He walked in front of his people on the Day of Resurrection and then enter them into hell. Hell it was the worst of places visited.
Noah's wife and Lot, as the word of Allah:
ضرب ٱلله مثلا للذين كفروا ٱمرأت نوح وٱمرأت لوط ڪانتا تحت عبدين من عبادنا صلحين فخانتاهما فلم يغنيا عنہما من ٱلله شيا وقيل ٱدخلا ٱلنار مع ٱلدٲخلين
God made the wife of Noah and the wife of Lut metaphor for infidels. Both are under the supervision of two members of his devout among Our servants; then both were betrayed to the second wife of her husband, then both her husband was not able to help them at all from [the punishment] God, and said [to them]; "Come to hell with the people who come in [hell]. " [At-Tahriim: 10].
Abu Lahab and wife:
تبت يدآ أبى لهب وتب (1) مآ أغنى عنه ماله وما ڪسب (2) سيصلى نارا ذات لهب (3) وٱمرأته حمالة ٱلحطب (4) فى جيدها حبل من مسد (5)
Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and he will indeed perish. (1) It is not useful to him his property and what he seeks. (2) Later he will go into the fire flare up. (3) And [so did] his wife, firewood carriers [2]. (4) That in her neck a rope of palm-fiber. (5) (Surah Al-Lahab)
Amr ibn Amir al Khuza'i
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never saw him dragging his intestines in Hell (Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim).
Including those who were killed and dragged Ammar ibn Yasir. In the book Mu'jam Thabrani a hadith narrated by an authentic sanad of Amr bin Ash and of his son, of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "The killer and the towline Ammar was in hell". (Sahihul Jami '4/110 no. 4170).
People who are not eternal in hell

The people included in the hell then removed, they are people who tauhid to Allah 'and not mempersekutukanNya azzawajalla with anything. But having sins exceed his kindness that kindness becomes lighter weights. People like them will go to hell in a known ONLY by Allah 'azzawajalla. Then they will be released from hell with the help of the person who gave intercession. Allah will issue (of hell) those who never do good together-all with His mercy.
People were threatened with Hellfire

Here are some sins that are described by the texts that the perpetrators will be punished with hell fire:
1. Violated the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
2. Refusing to emigrate
3. Doing Kezhaliman Law
4. Doing lies to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
5. Applicable Arrogant
6. Kill the soul without a justified reason
7. Eating Treasure Riba
8. Eating Treasure Others with a way that is not justified
9. Drawing Living (Animate)
10. Supporting People unjust
11. The woman who dressed but naked and The Tailor At
12.Menyiksa Animals
13. Not in Demand Ikhlas Islamic Studies
14. Eating and Drinking with Silver and Gold Hardware.
15. Used Ordinary Cutting down trees for shelter
16. Suicide

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