He is still young, as the world is very lucky. His career as a senior in leading Banks beloved city. But the troubled and restless even wrap, because the sickness that never sembuh.Suatu when he tells everyone to a cleric, apparently after examination of the dialogue is done is the lack of attitude resignation. Treatment efforts here and there with the best doctors and the drug is not enough to cure according desirable. It took a total resignation nature, willingly handed over correctly to 'resolve' Allah. With that the heart will be peaceful and patient (helps healing). Sometimes ill should not be immediately recovered, it could be a sin laundering (expiation) and as a test to gain further favor from Allah SWT. If it is to wash the sins, how fortunate because God still loves this servant with a chance to clean. That's part of the story above wisdom.
حدثنا أبو عبد الرحمن حدثنا حيوة أخبرني بكر بن عمرو أنه سمع عبد الله بن هبيرة يقول إنه سمع أبا تميم الجيشاني يقول سمع عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه يقول إنه سمع نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول لو أنكم تتوكلون على الله حق توكله لرزقكم كما يرزق الطير تغدو خماصا وتروح بطانا
From Umar ibn Khattab ra said, that he heard the Messenger of Allah said, 'If you guys REALLY resignation to God with true resignation, you really will be RIZKI (by God), as a bird given a fortune, wherein he went on a morning days in a state HUNGRY, and go home in the afternoon in a state of satiety (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah and Turmudzi).
In terms of language, tawakal derived from the word 'tawakala' that has meaning; deliver, entrust and delegate. Someone who put their trust is someone who betrays, and represent all the affairs entrusted to God ONLY.
Tawakal is a wonderful blend between serenity to the effort / optimal effort. Once we ikhitiar optimally, then we should all put their trust in the results we get. Humans should just try, to work or to proceed while the results according to the laws and provisions of God prevail.
In the history of Imam Al-Qudha'i stated that Amr bin Umayyad radi 'anhu said,' I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah!, Did I tie the camel first (mounts) and then I was my sole trust in God, or I just drop and I sole trust? 'He replied,' Tie vehicles (camel) and put thy trust in thy. "(Musnad ash-Shihab, Qayyidha wa resignation, no. 633, 1/368)
Tawakal not easy, not only actions but this lip Practice Heart. Features people who really put their trust are:
1) Always remember God (pray) before and after the try / ihtiar
2) Achieving results with the right effort and honest
3) Agree to any results obtained (read: be grateful)
4) Always introspection (musabah), away from blaming others or even prejudiced to God the decisive results.
Friend, below are a few steps to put their trust in the truth.
First, Faith Hope it ONLY to God.
Pocket hopes in God alone, by purifying / straightening intention to practice only One who is most fulfilling expectations. And the place of the first point is at the beginning of actions, during the act, and at the end of every deed.
"The higher your expectation is, the more pain'LL get", the greater the sense of expectation, the greater the pain you're going to be. And if we hang hopes on a creature called man, then get ready to experience a sense of disappointment, because the human is err place / wrong.
الله الصمد
God is a God who depend on Him everything. (Surat al-Ikhlas: 2)
Second, the promise to always thankful
We had never been able to get everything we want, but we will always be grateful for everything we get. With gratitude, we have become a person who minded positive, believing that God will give it the best.
Is not God's very dear to His servants?
and it certainly does not he give all the best for His servant?
And do not we believe that God is keeping promises?
With gratitude, we can see the goodness of everything. Because it could be, it is disappointing that we think is the best one for us. And not necessarily, what we hope, is a good thing for us. God knows what is best for His servants.
Third, there is always WAIT
If that happens to us in the form of disaster distress will eventually carve a disappointment in itself, then, as Muslims, we are obliged to be patient.
عن صهيب الرومي رض قال: قال رسول الله ص: عجبا لامر المؤمن, ان امره له كله خير, و ليس ذلك لاحد الا للمؤمن. ان اصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له. و ان اصابته ضراء صبر, فكان خيرا له. مسلم
Suhaib Ar-Rumiy of RA, he said: The Messenger of Allah said, "It's amazing affairs believer, all his affairs be good for him, and found no such that unless the believer. When she gets the pleasure he was grateful, then such a be good for him., and when he struck trouble he bershabar, it became such a kindness to him. " [HR. Muslim]
Tolerance does not mean the passive, patient also proactive. Because the patient consists of three things, patience in the face of DISASTER, patience in working GOODNESS, and patience in refraining from doing the act MAKSIYAT. Never cry over rice has become porridge, but give it flavor, soy, nuts, and crackers, so that could be a tasty porridge. And really, patience will only increase the reward goodness to us.
"A misfortune befalls servant, and said Inna lillahi wa inna Ilaihi raji'un, llahumma'jurni ahlif li wa fi mushibati Khairan minha (verily Allah we belong and to Him we return. 'God, grant me the reward in this musibahku and Give replace me with the better of him), Allah will reward him in musibahnya and will replace it with something better. "(Muslim).
Fourth, Always Hold Repair (muhasabah)
Man is God's most perfect creation of other creatures. But humans are also destined potentially make mistakes. Either due to ignorance or a deliberate sin. A pious Muslim will always introspective point is to replace the ugliness that has past and adds goodness that has been done.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون
O ye who believe, fear Allah and let every soul consider what he has done for tomorrow (Hereafter), and fear Allah, verily Allah knows what you do. (QS.Al-Hashr [59]: 18).
God give us no favors as expected, may have been due to lack of leverage in the business or as a form of testing God's warning. God gives favor to expectations or excessive, then God is waiting to see what will be done with the results.
Hopefully if we always introspection we will include those who are always improving the quality of faith, always think positive to God and never to despair. We pray to Allah to be encouraged and facilitated to put their trust in Him. Wallohu knows best
حدثنا أبو عبد الرحمن حدثنا حيوة أخبرني بكر بن عمرو أنه سمع عبد الله بن هبيرة يقول إنه سمع أبا تميم الجيشاني يقول سمع عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه يقول إنه سمع نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول لو أنكم تتوكلون على الله حق توكله لرزقكم كما يرزق الطير تغدو خماصا وتروح بطانا
From Umar ibn Khattab ra said, that he heard the Messenger of Allah said, 'If you guys REALLY resignation to God with true resignation, you really will be RIZKI (by God), as a bird given a fortune, wherein he went on a morning days in a state HUNGRY, and go home in the afternoon in a state of satiety (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah and Turmudzi).
In terms of language, tawakal derived from the word 'tawakala' that has meaning; deliver, entrust and delegate. Someone who put their trust is someone who betrays, and represent all the affairs entrusted to God ONLY.
Tawakal is a wonderful blend between serenity to the effort / optimal effort. Once we ikhitiar optimally, then we should all put their trust in the results we get. Humans should just try, to work or to proceed while the results according to the laws and provisions of God prevail.
In the history of Imam Al-Qudha'i stated that Amr bin Umayyad radi 'anhu said,' I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah!, Did I tie the camel first (mounts) and then I was my sole trust in God, or I just drop and I sole trust? 'He replied,' Tie vehicles (camel) and put thy trust in thy. "(Musnad ash-Shihab, Qayyidha wa resignation, no. 633, 1/368)
Tawakal not easy, not only actions but this lip Practice Heart. Features people who really put their trust are:
1) Always remember God (pray) before and after the try / ihtiar
2) Achieving results with the right effort and honest
3) Agree to any results obtained (read: be grateful)
4) Always introspection (musabah), away from blaming others or even prejudiced to God the decisive results.
Friend, below are a few steps to put their trust in the truth.
First, Faith Hope it ONLY to God.
Pocket hopes in God alone, by purifying / straightening intention to practice only One who is most fulfilling expectations. And the place of the first point is at the beginning of actions, during the act, and at the end of every deed.
"The higher your expectation is, the more pain'LL get", the greater the sense of expectation, the greater the pain you're going to be. And if we hang hopes on a creature called man, then get ready to experience a sense of disappointment, because the human is err place / wrong.
الله الصمد
God is a God who depend on Him everything. (Surat al-Ikhlas: 2)
Second, the promise to always thankful
We had never been able to get everything we want, but we will always be grateful for everything we get. With gratitude, we have become a person who minded positive, believing that God will give it the best.
Is not God's very dear to His servants?
and it certainly does not he give all the best for His servant?
And do not we believe that God is keeping promises?
With gratitude, we can see the goodness of everything. Because it could be, it is disappointing that we think is the best one for us. And not necessarily, what we hope, is a good thing for us. God knows what is best for His servants.
Third, there is always WAIT
If that happens to us in the form of disaster distress will eventually carve a disappointment in itself, then, as Muslims, we are obliged to be patient.
عن صهيب الرومي رض قال: قال رسول الله ص: عجبا لامر المؤمن, ان امره له كله خير, و ليس ذلك لاحد الا للمؤمن. ان اصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له. و ان اصابته ضراء صبر, فكان خيرا له. مسلم
Suhaib Ar-Rumiy of RA, he said: The Messenger of Allah said, "It's amazing affairs believer, all his affairs be good for him, and found no such that unless the believer. When she gets the pleasure he was grateful, then such a be good for him., and when he struck trouble he bershabar, it became such a kindness to him. " [HR. Muslim]
Tolerance does not mean the passive, patient also proactive. Because the patient consists of three things, patience in the face of DISASTER, patience in working GOODNESS, and patience in refraining from doing the act MAKSIYAT. Never cry over rice has become porridge, but give it flavor, soy, nuts, and crackers, so that could be a tasty porridge. And really, patience will only increase the reward goodness to us.
"A misfortune befalls servant, and said Inna lillahi wa inna Ilaihi raji'un, llahumma'jurni ahlif li wa fi mushibati Khairan minha (verily Allah we belong and to Him we return. 'God, grant me the reward in this musibahku and Give replace me with the better of him), Allah will reward him in musibahnya and will replace it with something better. "(Muslim).
Fourth, Always Hold Repair (muhasabah)
Man is God's most perfect creation of other creatures. But humans are also destined potentially make mistakes. Either due to ignorance or a deliberate sin. A pious Muslim will always introspective point is to replace the ugliness that has past and adds goodness that has been done.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون
O ye who believe, fear Allah and let every soul consider what he has done for tomorrow (Hereafter), and fear Allah, verily Allah knows what you do. (QS.Al-Hashr [59]: 18).
God give us no favors as expected, may have been due to lack of leverage in the business or as a form of testing God's warning. God gives favor to expectations or excessive, then God is waiting to see what will be done with the results.
Hopefully if we always introspection we will include those who are always improving the quality of faith, always think positive to God and never to despair. We pray to Allah to be encouraged and facilitated to put their trust in Him. Wallohu knows best
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