Abdul Rahman Bin Auf: is one of the Prophet Companions familiar. He also was one of the Prophet Companions the richest as well as by Uthman Bin Affan ra Saiyidina The origin of the name Abdul Rahman before he embraced Islam was Abdul Ka'aba, but then after Islam he exchanged his name to Abdul Rahman.
According to the historian, Abdul Rahman Bin Auf was born 10 years after the elephant and his life as a young man of Quraysh in Mecca which was then filled with an assortment of ignorance immorality and idolatry in the form of other crimes. However, Abdul Rahman spared assortment gives automakers greater latitude when it's evil. Even before embracing Islam more, Abdul Rahman bin Auf already have the notion that free drink wine that is banned.
Abdul Rahman Bin Awf had embraced Islam before the Prophet Darul Arqam entered again. In such a case it is obvious that free people he considered the beginning of Islam and according to history he was one of the 8 people who originally embraced Islam. It is narrated that free Abdul Rahman bin Auf
mother after knowing Abdul Rahman bin Auf embracing Islam, he also said to her, "I'm going to bask in the heat of the scorching sun during the day and cool at night that I would spend the night in a field, you admitted hinggalah will return to the original religion of your forefathers. Similarly, his mother threatened. Even though that Abdul Rahman Bin Awf kept his faith.
mother after knowing Abdul Rahman bin Auf embracing Islam, he also said to her, "I'm going to bask in the heat of the scorching sun during the day and cool at night that I would spend the night in a field, you admitted hinggalah will return to the original religion of your forefathers. Similarly, his mother threatened. Even though that Abdul Rahman Bin Awf kept his faith.
As a close friend of the Prophet, Abdul Rahman has one distinctive characteristic namely fighting to uphold the religion of Allah, not only with his sword even with wealth and fortune. Beliaulah among the companions who sacrificed a lot of his fortune to fight for the cause of Islam. Abdul Rahman had to dibahagikan membahagi two wealth to the poor, and never did give up all his wealth for the purpose of fi sabilillah to uphold the banner of Islam.
Crowded friends who have led the struggle to spread Islam and the symbols of Islam who fought as a commander or as an Islamic hero who is known to history, but Abdul Rahman Bin Awf have to surrender all his might, with the wealth to uphold Islam.
As an early adherent of Islam, Abdul Rahman Bin also have experienced suffering and persecution of the Quraysh in Mecca. By kerana perceived that circumstances were very few Muslims were sementelahan also experience a variety of threats that the Messenger of Allah. finally has ordered his followers to move to the country so do Abbysinia kerana by Apostle there is a kingdom that does not apply despotic to its people. Not long after the group set out first to make hijrah composed and 10 men and 4 women, and 17 women and children. And in between that conduct and the hijra comprising 10 men and 4 women then followed with a second group comprised 83 men and 17 women and children as well. And among those who do migrate termasuklah Abdul Rahman Bin Awf.
Not long after Abdul Rahman bin Auf and some friends have returned to the city of Mecca so that by the time its memenintahkan Allah to the Prophet. to make hijrah keYathrib (Medina) carried the Prophet himself and his companions, and such as well as Abdul Rahman Bin Awf.
Arriving in Madinah as treated by the Apostle against other friends in order to provide assistance, the Abdul Rahman Bin Auf was dipersaudarakan by sire by Sa'ad bin Rabi 'one rather than group Ansar.
For the love of Saad bin Rabi 'to his brother and class immigrants, he has told Abdul Rahman as the other, "Brother, I know that free is a great treasure Ansar, and presumably willing to take a half-brother and my wealth. I also have two the wife and brother would deign where one of them, I was ready to divorce her so that you may mengahwininya. Listen to the words of his friend Abdul Rahman bin Auf said, replied, "My brother, may God will give blessings to the family and relatives hartabenda. Do not be troubled about myself, which is important to me is that you would deign to show me the way to the market.
Indeed he is a talented and smart traders. In a period of just a moment he debuted demonstrated expertise in the trade to acquire fortune are victorious. He has 100 horses that can be used in battle 100 camels and 10,000 goats so at a time when he died, when a quarter and his wealth is calculated to equal the amount of 84 thousand dinars. However, in addition to his wealth was upon it, he includes the most generous and the most generous was also a friend of the most prominent doing good to the poor.
At the time of the Messenger of Allah, he never membahagikan entire fortune and submit that it partly to the people who need it. Never happened in one incident, Abdul Rahman bin Auf issued alms once sat for 40 thousand dinars, and once he financed the war by providing supplies of 500 horses complete with weapon combat clothing food for use by the soldier and also in the same time bringing the convoy supplies were transported by 500 camels.
Perceived that the service and sacrifice their wealth to enforce Islamic Prophet Muhammad. once said, "Abdul is a merchant Rahinan Bin Auf God" as a compliment for his role to establish the religion of God with wealth. In another narration the Prophet did s.a.w. once said, "Verily, those who keep my family after I die is a true man and a man who has virtue. Abdul Rahmanlah In this case one of the companions who answered the call Prophet kerana she who prepared the ease of doing worship Ummul Mu'minin Hajj under his protection.
Besides having wealth was upon him was a fear and hatred to the property and always avoid being influenced by wealth. It is narrated that free one day, Abdul Rahman Bin Awf burst into tears and he asked whether the man who caused him to cry, and then replied, "Surely it is better than I Mas'ab kerana he died at the time of the Prophet and he died at a time when has a piece of fabric that can be used to wrap shroud. Indeed Hamzah Bin Muttalib was the main man more than I do when he does not have a fabric that can be used as a shroud for his funeral. I no thought I was among those who rushed to enjoy the happiness of the mundane world I was no thought that free and I will miss than the Prophet's companions in the future due to his deep Hereafter I have many treasures.
In one story to another person also told that free when Abdul Rahman bin Auf gives food to her guests she suddenly burst into tears and asked people, "Why do you weep O Ibn Auf?" He then replied, "The Prophet had died, while he and his family never satiated by wheat bread.
Also told that free Abdul Rahman bin Auf have a full 40 camels laden with merchandise and each dijagai by a servant. One morning when the caravan returned with merchandise from the Levant he did not get along bertakbiratulihram Prophet at dawn that. When finished praying he said to the Messenger of Allah, O Messenger of Allah, I did not get takbiratulihram with you, by his deep that I sedekahkan all 40 head to redeem my camel, is there adequate O Prophet. Prophet s.a.w. answer, no. So did everyone Abdul Rahman menyedekahkan merchandise on top of each other 40 camels, but the Messenger of Allah answers are not sufficient. So he liberated 40 slaves who became a shepherd to 40 camels, but the Messenger of Allah still says inadequate.
Abdul Rahman felt sad and sugul, then he asked the Messenger of Allah, how many more treasures need the wherewithal to be able to make up for the lack solatnya. Prophet said, if only the wherewithal all property across the sky and the earth is still inadequate. Then Abdul Rahman was pasrahlah. That the sacrifices Abdur Rahman in keeping his religion, and he was never concerned with his property as long as religion is perfect.
Thus the soul Abdul Rahman Bin Awf one great companions Prophet Perceived that the magnitude of the spirit of sacrifice that Prophet would not hairan. Abdul Rahman said that free is among the ten people who have digembirakan by Apostle king will enter heaven.
At the time of Caliph Umar Al-Khattab, Abdul Rahman Bin Awf had the honor and virtue in the Caliphate. At the time of Caliph, he was never appointed by the Caliph Umar to lead the group in the first year after the Hajj Umar Saiyidina chosen as caliph. In fact, he was also the one who has diwasiatkan by Caliph Umar Al Khattab before kewafatan he became one expert in majlis jawatankuasa among six members to vote for candidates that will replace the king caliph. Beliaulah also figure who chaired the task to determine who will replace the Caliph Umar Al-Khattab as the third Caliph of Muslims who eventually fell into the hands of Uthman bin Affan ra Saiyidina
In the year 31 AH, after a life in this mortal world for 75 years, returned figures of this great friend kerahmatullah. And before she died, Ummul Mu'minin Aisha had offered to place his grave later on the side of the grave the Prophet, Abu Bakr and 'Umar With humble voice he answers that free himself he embarrassed if given such a high position for next berkubur Apostles. And he also said he had tied that free appointment with Uthman Bin Mazh'un that free if one of the two died first, then he will berkubur cemetery beside his friend to another. His corpse was buried in Baqi 'and disembahyangkan by Uthman Bin Affan Saiyidina, Awwam Ibn Zubair and other prominent companions.
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