Thursday 22 November 2012

73 Islamic groups, who's right???

Islam will split into many groups
"There will be a party of my people who keep the truth until the Day of Resurrection, and they remain on the Truth." HR. Bukhari and Muslim.
Through the history of the Prophet Jabir Ibn Abdullah said:
"There will be future generations of my people who will fight for the Truth, you shall know them later on the Day of Resurrection, and then Isa ibn Maryam will come, and people will say," O Jesus, lead jamaa'ah (prayer), he would say, "No, you lead one another, God gives honor to this Ummah (Islam) that no one will lead them except the Prophet Muhammad and the people themselves."

Hadith about some 73 groups that split in Islam

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet SAW said:

"The Jews were divided into 71 or 72 classes, as well as Christian people, and my people will be divided into 73 groups." HR. Sunan Abu Daud.
In one occasion, Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan stood up and gave the sermon and the sermon was narrated that he said: "Messenger of Allah got up and gave sermons, in his speech he said:" Millah will be divided into 73 groups, will all go to hell, (only ) one goes to heaven, they were al-Jamaa'ah, Al-Jamaa'ah. And from among my Ummah there will be groups who follow their lusts, such as a dog follows his master, until it does not leave desires of the body, flesh, veins (blood vessels) and bone but all follow their own lusts. "HR. Sunan Abu Daud.
From Auf bin Malik, he said that the Prophet said: "Jews have berpecah to 71 classes, one class in heaven and 70 classes in hell., And Nassara been broken to pieces into 72 groups, 71 groups in hell and one in heaven., And by God is the soul of Muhammad is in his hands my Ummah will surely broken to pieces into 73 groups, one group in heaven and 72 classes in hell. " Then he was asked: "O Messenger of Allah who are they?" He replied: "Al Jama'ah." HR Sunan Ibn Majah.
Anas bin Malik narrated that the Prophet said: "People are the Children of Israel will split into 71 groups and my Ummah will split into 73 groups, will all go to hell, except one, namely Al-Jamaa'ah." HR. Sunan Ibn Majah.
"Praise be to Allaah children of Israel had berfirqah firqah as much as 72 and as many as 73 will berfirqah firqah my people, everything is going to Hell except one." Companions who heard this statement asked: "Who is the one that O Messenger of Allah?" He said, 'That one was is the person who holds the grip and grip my friends. "HR Imam Tirmizi.
Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Prophet said: "My people will resemble the children of Israel step by step. Even if one of them to fuck her openly, one of my people will also follow suit. The Children of Israel split into 72 groups. My Ummah will split into 73 groups, will all go to hell, only one to go to heaven. "We (the Companions) asked," Which one survived? "Prophet replied," follow me and Sahabahs. "HR Imam Tirmizi.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: "The Jews were divided into 71 groups or 72 groups and Christians too. My Ummah will split into 73 groups. "HR Imam Tirmizi.
Narrated by Imam Thabrani, "By God who holds Muhammad's soul in His hand, will be as much as 73 firqah berpecah my people, which one entered Heaven and others to Hell." Ask the Companions: "Who is (are out of Hell) that O Messenger of Allah ? "The Prophet replied:" Ahlussunnah wal Jamaat. "
Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan narrated that the Prophet SAW said: "People of the Book (Jews and Christians) in his religious problems are divided into 72 groups and from these people (Muslims) will be divided into 73 groups, all go to Hell, a group that will go to heaven , they were al-Jamaa'ah, Al-Jamaa'ah. And there will be from my Ummah who follow the weather nasfsunya like dogs follow their masters, until it does not leave desires of the body, flesh, blood vessels, and bones unless all follow his desires. O Arabs! If you do not get up and follow what your Prophet brought ... "HR.Musnad Imam Ahmad.

Muslims are divided into 7 major categories, namely:
1. Mu'tazilites, ie people who glorify and philosophical reasoning, the flow is triggered by Wasil bin Atho (700-750 AD) of a student Hasan Al Basri.
Mu'tazilah have 5 main doctrines, namely:
Tawhid. They argue:
The nature of God is dzatNya itself.
the Qur'an is created.
Allah in the Hereafter invisible to the human eye. Affordable human eye is not he.
His justice. They believe that Allah will give reward him accordingly.
Promises and threats. They believe God would not break a promise: to reward the good and to the Muslims who tortured the Muslims are evil.
Position between two positions. Wasil ibn Atha is triggered which makes separation from his teacher, the great sinner believer, his status among the believers and the unbelievers, the wicked.
Enjoining (claims to do good) and forbidding evil (to prevent the despicable deeds). It's more to do with the law / jurisprudence.
Mu'tazilah flow problems found in Qada and Qadar, that man himself creates his actions. Man judged by his actions, because he himself had created.
Group Mu'tazilah broke into 20 groups.
2. Shiites, ie the glorifying Sayyidina Ali Kw, they do not recognize the other as Rashidun caliph Sayyidina Abu Bakr Khlifah, Hadrat Umar and Sayyidina Usman even hate. These people in North Sulawesi by Abdullah bin Saba, a Jew from Yemen priest who converted to Islam. When he came to Medina did not get the attention of the Caliph and other Muslims so that he became irritated. Shia faction split into 22 groups and the most severe is Shia Sabi'iyah.
3. Khawarij, the people who hated Sayyidina Ali Kw, even those mengkafirkannya. One of the teachings Anyone who committed major sins that are considered infidels. Khawaarij Broken into 20 groups.
4. Murjiah.
Al-Murji'ah believe that a believer is enough just to say "Laailahaillallah" only and the hadith is refuted by the statement that he had to seek the face of God with it, and people are looking for is certainly doing all the ingredients and the consequences of his quest that he got what he was looking for and not enough to just say it. So according to al-Murji'ah that enough to say "Laailahaillallah" and after that he did any charity will not affect his faith, it is clearly contrary to the hadith "he was looking at it the face of God", then this is a form of heresy al-murji ' ah.
Al-Mu'tazilite and Al-Khawarij believed that a commit major sins in the eternal fires of hell, and is refuted by the words of the Prophet "Allah forbids the Fire those who say Laailahaillallah". According to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah that prohibition burning hell fire people who say "Laailahaillallah" is twofold, the first prohibition is absolute and is for people who say "Laailahaillallah" to bring all the terms, consequences and content-kendungannya so him apart from the big shirk, shirk small and large acts of sin, even if he fell to the sin he repented and not continuously on it, it's perfect as it is forbidden tauhidnya hellfire to burn it absolutely, that he was not touched by the Fire at all. Then the second, the prohibition is not absolute and is less that the prohibition referred to in the eternal fires of hell, it's for people who are less tauhidnya so that he fell into shirk minor or major sins which he continued in it, then the person Such is forbidden upon the fire of hell to burn in an eternal period as long as he has not abort when tauhidnya world. It is therefore the opinion of al-Mu'tazilite and al-Khawarij who states that commit major sins in the eternal fires of hell, this is an opinion contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet.
There is no more important dhikr in this world except "Laailahaillallah".
One reason for the granting of the prayer is to use God's nature and His name, in particular calling God His Uluhiyyah, ask and pray to Allah by mentioning His rububiyah.
"Laailahaillallah" is dhikr and prayer, called the prayer because people are saying "Laailahaillallah" expect the pleasure of God and wants to get him to heaven.
Group Murjiah broke into 5 groups.
5. Najariyah, The deed stating humans are creatures, which serve God and do not believe in the nature of God 20. Group Najariyah split into 3 groups.
6. Al Jabbariyah, the People argue that a servant is not powerless (forced), it performs solely maksiyat God did. Group Al Jabbariyah broken into 1 group.
7. Al Musyabbihah / Mujasimah, who liken the creator of God and man, for example hands, legs, sitting in a chair. Group Al Musyabbihah / Mujasimah broken into 1 group.
And one group of survivors are experts Sunna Wal Jama'ah.

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