Thursday 22 November 2012


Teachings of Islam apparently so complete and perfect. Even sports have apparently recommended by the Prophet Muhammad as sports swimming, archery, running, riding, wrestling, and so on. So do not be lazy to exercise the Islamic Ummah.

Sport aims to make people healthier and stronger. In Islam, is seen as a deliciously healthy second best after Faith. In addition, many worship in Islam requires a strong body such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and jihad.

Even God is actually like a strong believer. Therefore, exercise is necessary:
From Abu Hurairah r.a. said: "The Messenger s.a.w. He said: "The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer

At best imitate something is certainly better mimic the behavior, actions and everything about the Prophet Muhammad. media learning that one of them is the hadith reported by the companions.

nah one relating to the education of children is to invite parents to teach children swimming, archery and horse riding.

1. Teach your son sons swimming and archery. (Narrated Ath-Thahawi).

2. Any thing that does not include the remembrance of God, it is a futile game except for four things: a man walking between two goals (for archery), train ride, making out with the family, and teach her to swim. (Hadith History At-Thabrani)

Prophet Muhammad ordered the Ummah to teach their children swimming, archery and horse riding. Some people think these hadiths are no longer relevant to the present. However, if the Hadith that it was "out of date"?

If only interpreted literally, may be true, although all three of these activities may be carried out and still remain useful. But the Prophet was certainly not speaking according to his desires. He better predict future conditions.
Umar bin Khotob ra, once said that it means, "according to its time educate your children, because they live not dijamanmu."
In addition to the philosophical as well as physical benefits that we can get the three sports that Prophet Muhammad recommended course we can apply to the present context. formation of the character of the child to the maximum so that children can get an education best suited to their needs in their time.


Sure there are good reasons why Rasullah tell Muslim parents teach their children to special skills. For the people in the desert, riding and archery are a common item. Riding a horse or a camel ride their daily lives. Animals that became Arabs mounts and pets.
But swimming? Wow, this is somewhat surprising. The Arabs do not like water. The pool is a difficult thing to find. If the pool, it was shaped oasis or wadi. And mostly used as a drinking source. Water is very hard to find in the desert.
 Let's discuss.
Sports Core Pool is a setting in the breath. The function of breathing is to inhale oxygen from entering or Nature into our bodies through paru2. the oxygen that we breathe into paru2 and blood flow from the heart into paru2. The lungs are the organs of the respiratory system (respiratory) and is associated with the circulatory system (circulation) that breathe air. Its function is to exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood. The process is called "external respiration" or breathing.
Well as a kelajiman that the body or muscle when moving definitely in need of energy, every reaction metabolism in our body mostly involving oxygen, oxygen bereksi with ATP in organs, cells or tissues so that the energy / power. Oxygen carried by the blood that is pumped through the heart. With the contraction of muscles and organs in the activity, the body will lack energy or energy demand will increase rather than normal conditions, so after doing the breathing will feel your body temperature rise. because almost all metabolic eventually converted into heat energy / heat. By setting the breath beneficial for endurance. Mahir swim / breath will set strong breathing, and this huge effect on intelligence when oxygen to the brain is distributed fairly and Conditions reply Prima.

Ancient warfare unlike today where the ability, physical fitness is the major and much-needed capital. Where the fight involving many people for a long period, I experienced Tarung exercise with a few minutes is exhausting day let alone fight.

Fatigue is characterized by tightness in the chest because the body lacks oxygen supply of heart that functions primarily playing the oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. By setting the breath oxygen supply will be sufficient, organized and in control. Because every activity of the body's oxygen supply more severe then that dibutuhkanpun more, we can see in normal condition characterized by hunting and rapid breathing or struggling. Unlike when we are able to regulate the breath so that this will not happen and stamina remain terjaga.Disinilah why regulation is needed breath, I never ran a 20 KM pengturan breathing techniques, Alhamdulilah ran so light and body fatigue, sweating even when it is often too do not go out and just come out when it stops or until the goal.

SWIMMING is a symbol of strength and endurance that Prima that must be owned by a Muslim.

2. Archery
After I studied archery is identical to:
Firmness hand
Gendewanya draw strength and
Archery requires concentration and practice sustainability. Shooting at a moving target is more difficult than a stationary target. Each target has its own characteristics and the target is always moving the motion.
However, if we succeed in archery target, then we are ready to execute the next command: riding.

The core of it all is that we learn to focus or concentration means we can titik.Untuk mempokuskan a concentration of power we should be able Ikhlas and love exercise, so that we can synergize between thoughts and feelings, in practice even this concentration can be applied to another thing, the core message that delivered by Rasullah is that every Muslim child should learn or practice concentration bias that we focus on something. Mind focus on the target, will tercapia if we can synergize between strength and body with thoughts and feelings.
In Kick Respiratory and Silat It also trained where the object is different from that practiced the sport of archery equipment and archery target. While the object of respiratory sport that is practiced in this Energy Eve Body Heat Body Heat or Energy. With terpokus energy at a point in this case the heat or energy, we can split a hard object, therapy, etc., so the function is to control the concentration of energy after training. Because the entire body can be controlled by the brain, including energy systems. So that the brain can quickly ordered tuk quickly release energy in cells, for example activities that require rapid acceleration of energy for example in the battle and fight, destroy hard benda2 etc..

Archery is a symbol of the child teach archery in my opinion is the focus / concentration / Istiqomah. So teach children at the target goals in life. That life must have clear goals and do business to achieve the firmness hand, heart strength and able to adapt it to the circumstances of this world. Target is not the main goal, but is a reference step. And pocus on Ikhtiar / process rather than the outcome.

3. Riding.

Physically the horse is certainly more powerful than penunggannya, but the riders still have to master the horse so that he can get to the destination. Similarly, in human life. We often have to lead people who are smarter, stronger and have more advantages than we do. Riding in this case is a symbol of life and Self-Control, Confidence and Courage.
In this case also the martial world are trained in Silat and battle drills. Where should the synergy between the Motion / tactics, Power and Concentration. Concentration will appear in mental strength. Then we will be able to how to dodge, parry and attack your opponent with power delivery and precise targeting and fast reply. In the battle takes quick thinking and timely manner is not easy to panic in the face of any condition.

In martial arts bout is the main capital in kemampauan and mentality. Where capabilities without courage is like a knife in a sheath means would not be useful. Also based on courage alone without the ability is ridiculous. With that steady courage and ability which is adequate, then the fight, we do not doubt the power menghentakan and playing tricks with the calculations accurately and quickly. With courage or mentally we are not afraid of ill or injured, not afraid to face an enemy that is stronger than us. a great warrior who is not a warrior who was never defeated but a great warrior who is able to face stronger opponents who are stronger than him and still has not subsided mentally still fight back and never give up, and always look for and focus on finding the opponent's weak points.

Horse symbol is character building. With this sport, children are trained leadership, confidence, brave soul, dexterity, self-control, and love, and eliminate fear.

In addition to the benefits that we can get philosophical, the three sports that Prophet Muhammad recommended course we can apply to the present context. Therefore, children are taught lower secondary that includes three of the above that the formation of the character of the child to the maximum so that the children receive the best education to fit their needs at their age. According to the author for dabbling in martial Sports Respiratory, where the material that covers dialtih (Sports Breath, Motion Sports (Kick / Silat) and Sports Tasting / concentration) are contextual meet all three aspects of the results that had been expected in the Hadiths. What is more relevant in the present. In fact, the authors hypothesized might Rasullah era were taught techniques such exercise is exercise techniques that use energy focusing technique in which the setting of breath or if the breath is the key. Until now I still investigate and hadith and history on this subject which told the history of how many friends have kemampaun Rasullah rara avis as Ali ibn Abu Talib was able to hit the gate with a single blow when removed is not enough to power 40 adults, or he able to divide the enemy and his body and his horse bajubesi satukali blow. Where history and hadith-hadith on this lot is lost or rarely discussed in the realm of science we are.

The point is to teach our children self-defense training and the ability of the body. So that future generations will be born with a powerful mastery of the body's energy, mengusai Personal Technology and have moral and tauhid. However, one thing to remember is that these abilities are symbolized by swimming, archery and horse riding is a trust that must be used to comply with the commands of Allah and His Messenger, not to be abused in order to meet the demands of lust.

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