Saturday 24 November 2012

Adab eat and drink

Eating and drinking is a necessity of everyday people. Because it is a routine, sometimes problems eating and drinking do not get special attention. Though eating and drinking is a very important factor in life. What a person eats and drinks, and how he eats procedure is very influential on his life.

In terms of eating and drinking, man and beast alike do and need. But the difference is humans have ordinances (adab), while making the animals eat and drink just to satisfy his lust. Adab eating
and drinking, it makes the activities of eating and drinking for men is not just to satisfy the appetite, but also contained religious values.

For more details, learn the etiquette of discussion about eating and drinking in Islam following.
A. Manners Before Eating and Drinking
1. Wash hands before eating
Before eating wash your hands first, it is very useful to maintain our health. Perhaps before we hold hands before eating something that contains bacteria or germs that are harmful to health. How about the eating with a spoon and fork? Should keep hands washed, because who knows in the middle of the dining activity we are tempted to hold food. Hadith the Prophet:
Meaning: "Narrated Aisha ra: Verily the Messenger of Allah when going to sleep while he was in a state of junub, then his ablution, and when to eat he washes his hands" (HR Nasai)
2. Sitting nicely.
Prophet set an example by sitting down to eat a meal and drink and denounced while standing or walking because it can eliminate the blessing of the food. Hadeeth of the Prophet:

Meaning: Enes r.a. Behold the Prophet forbade a man to drink while standing. " (Reported by Muslim)
3. Praying before eating or drinking
Before the meal we are commanded to pray, it is the intent that the activities of eating and drinking will be given salvation. Food and beverages will we enter into the body not just eliminate hunger and thirst, but can make a blessing. The energy generated from these foods can be useful to support our activities, both to learn, work, worship, and so on. The prayer before meals is as follows:
Meaning: "O God blessing us in rizqi that you have given to us and keep us from the fires of hell".
If you forget to pray and read Basmalah at the beginning, then read Basmalah in the middle because the prophet once said that he meant adalahapabila one of your options, call first names of Allah, then if it do not forget to read at first, it should be remembered when reading Basmalah in the middle- the middle of a meal, thus: Bismillahi awwalu wa akhirahu.
B. Manners On When Eating
1. Never reproach food
When eating, is not always what we eat according to appetite. How should we think? Islamic teachings forbid denounce food. Moreover denounced food in front of people who cook it, it can make the person offended. Moreover, if the cook is your mother, then you should never reproach. If by chance less interest to certain foods, do not criticize. If no interest should be silent and not eaten.
Hadith the Prophet:
Meaning: "It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra said: The Messenger of Allah never denounced the kalipun food. When the king like something to eat and the food that the king did not like the king leave. "(Bukhari and Muslim)
2. Do not eat in a hurry
Eating and drinking should not be done in a hurry for fear makes the job digestive organs in the body work is not perfect. Eat a calm and unhurried.

Meaning: It was narrated from Ibn 'Umar said: The Messenger of Allah said: When the food was served in front of you, while the prayer time has come, then let you eat first. Do not you rush, do pray after you have finished eating "(Bukhari and Muslim)
3. Eating and drinking with the right hand
By using the right hand to eat and drink contain values ​​that we cherish or glorify food. Activities of eating and drinking is a noble activity, food and beverages we drink too noble creatures of Allah.
It is expected the food and drink we put into our bodies also produce energy and noble deeds. How to eat with the right hand as well to distinguish how humans eat the devil. Devil eat and drink using the left hand. We know that the devil is a despicable creature, so very happy to do despicable things, including when he was eating with his left hand.
Hadeeth of the Prophet: Meaning: Aibnu Narrated 'Umar: The Prophet SAW said when ye did eat with the right hand, as well as drinking the right hand. Because the real devil eat and drink with his left hand (Muslim)
4. Eating food closest.
When we eat together people with a variety of foods being served, so take what you like and the closest. When you reach that far, it seems rude. If we are very fond of food that is far from our reach, then please ask the nearest person to move or get it.
Narrated in a hadith:
Meaning: It was narrated from Abu Salamah ibn Umar RA said: I've been down near the Messenger of Allah meals, hand outstretched about to reach the tray, then the Messenger of Allah said to me: O young man! Read Basmalah, eat with your right hand and heed the nearest food to you "(Bukhari and Muslim)
5. Spend on food, do not nothing left, because we do not understand which part containing blessings.
6. Indirect spend a certain amount of drinks in the Prophet gave an example: that if one drink, let two or three times, start and end with reading basmalah hamdalah.
7. Not blowing hot food and drinks because If someone drinking a hot drink, do not blow and wait for it to cool, because it carries poison puffs.
C. Manners After Eating
1. Cleaning hands and mouth after eating.
Meaning: Narrated Ibn `Abbas instead: The Messenger of Allah said: When one of you eat food, then clean the rest of the food in the mouth and wash your hands or get someone to clean it." (Bukhari and Muslim)
2. Pray after eating or drinking
After eating danminum do not forget to pray. In prayer we are grateful to have the intent praise Allah for having finished eating and drinking. Prayer is also a blessing to be able to make what we eat.
Translation: "Praise be to Allah who gave us food and drink and has made us Muslims."

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