Saturday 24 November 2012

Eat unclean animals

hath only forbidden you carrion, blood, pork, and animals (when killed) called (name) besides Allah [108]. But if anyone in a state of forced (to eat) is he does not want it and not (also) exceeds the limit, it is no sin for him. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
This text describes some foods that are forbidden by God, namely:

A. Carcass
Animals that died on its own.
Animals that do not shut down in accordance with Islamic law (such as strangulation, drowning)
Animals that die from being hit or disentrum.
Animals that fall from a high place (including dead animals hit)
Dead animals being attacked by other animals (gored, torn or otherwise).
Carcasses were excluded and could eat the fish and locusts.
B. Blood
The blood that is forbidden is the blood of the slaughtered animal. Blood type is categorized as unclean. While the rest of the blood on the sacrifices including halal meat and not categorized as unclean. Meanwhile, the liver and spleen halal to eat.
C. Pork
Both pigs were maintained or wild pigs. It also includes substances that are removed from the pig's body.
D. Sacrifices for other than Allah
Terms slaughter was the name of Allah. If you forget, then it is considered to be slaughtered meat carcass. However, the slaughter did not get a sin, because he made the mistake of forgetting. The name of God is here not necessarily by saying bismillah, but also with saying the Bismi rahman, or Bismi 'aziz.
E. The beast
Whether it ataupin fanged beast with sharp nails or other limbs that are used to kill prey.
F. Docile Donkey / Pets, in this case, we allow sharia wild donkeys or horses.
G. Animals that eat forbidden because of what he ate, for example: dirt-eating animals, animals that eat carrion.
Related to animals living in nature as two crabs, turtles and seals, have not found a clear arguments about halal and keharamannya
Forbidden for eating something that is caused by any reason of 'illat (reason) as follows:
1. Forbidden because the texts of Qur'an and Hadith
2. Forbidden because governed kill him
3. Forbidden because it was forbidden to kill
4. Forbidden because vile and disgusting
5. Forbidden because it gives harm
7. Forbidden because dimulyakan
Something that is forbidden by the texts of the Qur'an is the word of God:
حرمت عليكم الميتة والدم ولحم الحنزيرومااهل لغيرالله به والمنحمقة والموقوذ ة والمتردية والنطيحة وماأكل السيع إلاماذكيتم وماذبح على النصب وان تستقسموا بالأزلام ذلكم فسق
. (المائدة: 3).
"Forbidden to eat upon: (1) wreck (2) blood (3) pork (4) animals slaughtered by the name of other than Allah (5) animals were nati choke (6) a dead hit (7) who died falling ( 8) who died tertanduk other animals (9) eat dead wild animal, except that you can kill it and (10) of animals slaughtered in the name of idols. "(Surat al-Maida: 3).
The meaning of the verse is this: in addition to carcass grasshoppers, liquid blood, not the blood of the original thick as the spleen and liver, pork pig entirely covers the body, skin, brain, Chronicle, heart, intestine and another, strangled, beaten , slip fall, tertanduk and inedible wild animals, all haram because tersembelih according to Shari'a law, as for slaughtering animals without saying Basmalah not make it unclean animals eaten, because reading Basmalah the legal slaughter is sunnah.
Diharam should eat something right because emergency. Top of wrongdoing extremely urgent innocent and God will forgive him. "(Surat al-Baqara: 173).

Type of Animals (Dawaab) Haram
Some types of animals (dawaab) unlawful eaten, including elephants, himar, bighal, warak (rhino), tigers, apes, monkeys, dogs, all animals have long nails, and teeth siyung long, kuwuk, cats, rats , squirrels, centipedes, scorpions, ants, Gendon, gecko, lizard, kemlandingan (spiders), roach (roaches) and caterpillars.
Meeting the advice of Shaikh deemed unnecessary to mention the names of animals (dawaab) the unlawful eaten as a complement of some unclean animal names that have been mentioned above. The names of the unclean animals such as: lions, bengkarung, Snakes with different species, orangutans, crocodiles, wolves, wild boar, bear, millipedes (luloh) tortoise, hare (such as mice), jungle cat, civet , sand lizard, zahafah, dza-rabanun (cat-sized blackish gray color very rotten). Ibn miqridl (its color yellowish, often tear-catcher dove OYAK fabric larger than mice), blekicot, hinzirul hindi, giraffes and more.

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