Thursday 22 November 2012

Hazard nature of envy and jealousy

Including the nature of desolation is spiteful to fellow Muslims and other people happy when something bad happens, harbored hostility, cheating, vengeful, little compassion rerhadap Muslims and prejudice to them.

All that is destroying properties. Suffice about the ugliness that Allah sent Prophet Muhammad seek refuge from the evil of envy as he told her to seek refuge from the evil of Satan.

The Prophet SAW said: keep yourself from nature envious malice that takes kindness as fire wood consuming

The Prophet SAW said: it is not assembled in the body cavity of a servant, faith and the nature of envy.

Prophet said: do not be jealous of one another, do not hate each other and do not be away from each other.

Envy (envy) means that humans feel cramped in the chest and heart, and distaste for the blessings God has given to one of His servants in religion or the loss of his world that he liked it favors him. Perhaps he wants it, even though it did not turn her favors.

It was the highlight of evil. So anyone who feels this malice against fellow Muslims, he also hated that feeling, and hid in his heart and not show in word and deed. Perhaps that way he survived the crime.

Mentioned in the Hadith: three cases that no one escapes from it, namely envy, prejudice. Will I tell it to you the way out of all that? When thou shalt not do injustice envious, when thou shalt not prejudiced sure, when seeing a bad sign persevere.
That you shall not retreat from the cares of what you want to do.
When people do good envious of what is required by the nature of envy, by praising those who become targets and seek to honor and help him, then he is doing good at it. These drugs are most effective in removing hatred.
There is no problem with envy, that is if you want to pleasure yourself as you see the brother of the gift of God.
Then if it is like a science favors religion and worship, then it is commendable. If an earthly delights like wealth and position then it is permissible and should not be permissible.
As for a Muslim like the accident and hid fraud, hostility and resentment, it suffices as a deterrent to you the words of the Prophet: not anyone of you believe until he loves for his brother as he loves himself.
The Prophet SAW said: Whoever cheated the Muslims, then he is not included among them.
The Prophet SAW said: if you can time when morning and afternoon have no desire to cheat didalm your heart to someone, then do it and it's my Sunnah.
As for the least mercy and saying to the Muslims, then it shows stubbornness and rudeness and cruelty. All were despicable and evil.
The Prophet SAW said: treat the creatures on earth, surely God is in the heavens love.
The Prophet SAW said: treat the other person, you will undoubtedly love. Verily Allah loves His servants who compassionate.
The Prophet SAW said: sayabg compassion is not withdrawn, except from people who are miserable.
He who does not feel a sense of compassion in their hearts to all people, especially those who experience misfortune and disaster, weak and poor, then it shows the cruelty of his heart and his faith, and the weakness of God kejauhannya.
The prejudice to the Muslims, then the act is despicable and evil.
The Prophet SAW said: no case exceed two advantages, namely good and well thought God thought to the servants of God. And two cases no more than ugliness, namely God and prejudice prejudice to the servants of God.
Prejudice to the Muslims means prejudice to them about the words and deeds of those who are born good, but other than that you are prejudiced them Tampakan. This is the peak.
Including the poor judgment on the words and deeds that contain the possibility of good and bad, although it could vote either. However, this kind of lighter than the first. While the likelihood that contains both good and bad, that you still consider it good.
Then do it the way it is as strong as your strength and please ask to AllahSWT. Only God gives taufik.

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