Monday 19 November 2012

Halal and haram islam about hair

Diluting 02/02/10 Eyebrow

One way ornate excessive Islam has forbidden, namely shaved eyebrows to be lifted or equated. In this regard the Prophet never curse him, as mentioned in the hadith:

"The Messenger of Allah cursed women who shaved his eyebrows or ask dicukurkan eyebrows." (Reported by Abu Dawud, with a hasan isnaad. According to what is in Fathul Baari)
Being in Bukhari called:

Prophet s.a.w. cursed the women who requested shaved eyebrows.

More forbidden again, if it's shaved eyebrows done as a symbol for women obscene.

While the Hanbali madhhab scholars argue that women are allowed to shave her forehead, carved, giving the red paint (make-up) and sharpen the corners of her eyes, when with the consent of their husbands, because it includes ornate.

But by Imam Nawawi tight, shaved forehead that it should not be at all. And he denies that those with a history of bringing in Sunan Abu Dawud: That is called namishah (shaved eyebrows) so thin one. Thus not included decorating the face by removing the feathers.

Imam Tabari narrated from Abu Isaac's wife, the one when he had to Aisha's house, was the wife of Abu Ishak is nan she was still beautiful. Then he asked: What legal decorate women face for the sake of her husband? He said to Aisha: hilangkanlah evil-evil that is in it as much as you mungkin.18

2.2.11 Connecting Hair

Includes jewelry is forbidden women to connect with other hair dryers, whether it's real or fake hair as famous today as the wig.

Imam Bukhari narrated from Aisha way, Asma ', Ibn Mas'ud, Ibn Umar and Abu Hurayrah as follows:

"The Messenger of Allah cursed women who connect or ask plugged her hair dryer."
For men over again forbidden, whether he was working as a handyman to connect as it is now known barber shaving-and he asked for connected hair, kind women hermaphrodite (effeminate men) today.

This issue is the Messenger of Allah, once hardened and intensified to eliminate them. Until any of the women whose hair fall because of illness, for example, or women who want to be the first bride to spend the night with her husband, her hair was still not to be spliced.

Aisha narrated:

"A married woman Helpers, and indeed he was sick so gugurlah hair, then his family intends to connect the hair, but before they were asked first to the Prophet, the Prophet said: Allah cursed women who ask for connecting jointing hair and hair." (Reported by Bukhari)
Asma also been reported:

"There's a woman asked the Prophet: O Messenger of Allah, verily my son exposed to a disease that gugurlah hair, and I would marries him whether I should continue his hair? Answer Prophet: Allah cursed women who were asked to connect the hair and attached hair." (Reported by Bukhari)
Said ibn al-Musayib reported:

"Muawiyah came to Madinah and this is the most recent arrival in Medina, and he chatted with us. So Muawia issued a hair tie and he said: I have never seen one that worked like this except the Jews, in which the Prophet saw himself called this a sin that women who connect hair (a sin). "
In one story says that Muawiyah said to the people of Madinah:

"Where scholars ulamamu? Alone I've heard the Messenger of Allah said: Behold the Israelites corrupted because the women are wearing this (fir)." (Reported by Bukhari)
Prophet called this action zuur (sin) means providing a signal that will wisdom Prohibition. So it is no different than a fraud, falsify and deceive. Moderate Islam hate against deceptive acts, and entirely antipathy toward people who cheat in the entire field muamalah, whether material or moral issues concerning. S.a.w. Prophet said:

"Whoever cheats us is not from our group." (History Jamaat Companions)
Al-Khaththabi said: The threat is so hard in these matters, because it contains a fraud. Therefore, if ornate as it is permissible, surely enough bolehnya act as a bridge to an assortment of fraud. In addition, there is an element revamp the creation of God. This corresponds to the gesture of the Prophet narrated by Ibn Mas'ud who said "... the women who revolutionized the creation of God." 19

What is meant by the traditions mentioned above, which connect hair with hair, good hair is hair that genuine or imitation. And this is precisely what is meant by falsifying and deceiving. As if she continued with the fabric or yarn and sabagainya, not included in this prohibition. And in terms of inf Jabir bin Said once said:

"No why do you wear the thread." 20
The meaning of [the Arabic] here is silk or wool used for weaving hair (Jw. centipede), where women always wear them to connect hair. On ability use this thread has been said also by Imam Ahmad.21

02/02/12 Shoe Hair

Included in this jewelry, the shining head of hair or beard is gray.

In connection with this problem there is a history that explains that Jews and Christians are not allowed to polish the hair and merombaknya, with a presumption that the ornate and beautify it can eliminate the sense of worship and religion, as is done by the monks and experts Zuhud exaggerated it. But the Prophet s.a.w. prohibit taqlid on a people and follow in their footsteps, so it's always different personalities Muslims, outwardly and inwardly. For that reason, in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily, the Jews did not want to polish your hair, because it berbedalah you with them." (Reported by Bukhari)
The command here connotes voluntary, as normally done by the companions, such as Abubakar and Umar. While others do not, like Ali, Ubai bin Ka'b, and Anas.

But color is allowable polish it? With black and who should avoid lainkah or black? But clearly, for those who are old, ubannya been uneven both in the head or beard, it is not feasible with black polish. Therefore, when his father Abu Kuhafah Abubakar brought before the Prophet on the day of the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet saw her hair looking like the all-white tsaghamah tree fruit and flowers.

For that, the Prophet bersabdalah:

"Change is (gray) but stay away from black." (Reported by Muslim)
As for those who do not age as Abu Kuhafah (ie not so old), it is not sinful if her hair was black. In this case, az-Zuhri used to say: "We are shining black hair was still visible when the face of the young, but if the face is wrinkled and teeth had been faltering, we leave it black." 22

Including that allows polish in black this is a party of the Salaf, including the Companions, such as: Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, Uqbah bin Amir, Hasan Husen, Jarir and others.

Being from among scholars who argue there should not be black except in times of war so that it can be scary enemies, when they saw the soldiers of Islam are all still visible muda.23

And the hadith narrated by Abu Dhar said:

"The best of the materials used to polish the gray hair is henna and katam tree." (History Tarmizi and Ashabussunan)
Red henna, is katam a tree growing at the time of the Messenger of Allah substances that emit reddish black.

Anas bin Malik narrated that Abubakar dyeing his hair with henna and katam, while Umar only with henna only.

2.2.13 Maintain Beards

Included are urgent in our problem, is of about the beard. To this Ibn Umar has narrated from the Prophet who said the following:

"Berbedalah you with the idolaters, keep a beard and mustache cukurlah." (Reported by Bukhari)
Words i'fa (nurture) in another narration means tarkuha wa ibqaauha (leave and ordain).

This hadith explains the reason ordered to shave beards and mustaches, which is so different from the idolaters. Medium is the idolaters here are those Zoroastrian fire worshipers, where they were used cut his beard, and some even shave.

Allah commands contains education for Muslims so that they have a distinct personality and different disbelievers outwardly and inwardly, the hidden and the visible. The more so in this case there are shaving against the elements of nature and resemble the female. Because his beard is a symbol of male perfection and signs that distinguish the different types.

However, it does not mean at all should not cut his beard where the beard sometimes be long if allowed to interfere with their owners disgusting. For that reason, such a beard should be taken / cut down or sideways, as mentioned in the hadith rlwayat Tarmizi. It had also done by some scholars of the Salaf, such Iyadh said: "Shaving, beard cut and pulled dimakruhkan. But if it is taken from the length or to the side if it is found that a large beard (thick), then it's a good thing."

And Abu Shama also said: "There is a people who used to shave his beard. News famous, that it is doing so people Zoroastrian, they were used to shave his beard." 24

We think: That most of the Muslims who shaves his beard is because they mimic their enemies and the invaders of their country and the Jews and Christians. As conventional wisdom, that people who lose always imitate the person who wins. They do it obviously has forgotten to tell the Prophet commands that they differ with unbelievers. In addition, they have also forgotten the Prophet's prohibition on resembling the disbelievers, as mentioned in a Hadith that says:

"Whoever resembles a people, he was included among them." (Reported by Abu Dawud)
Most scholars of jurisprudence which argues about shaving illegitimate postulates that the Apostle commands above. Being of each command indicates the mandatory origin, the more the Prophet himself had given orders that the reason we are so different from unbelievers. And unlike themselves unbelievers obligatory anyway.

Nobody Salaf who left this obligation. But while scholars now have a permit to shave his beard because it is affected by circumstances and indeed since the disaster has been widespread. They are of the opinion that keeping a beard it includes acts that are duniawiah Prophet, not including the issue of Personality 'to be obeyed. But now, that beard is not just fi'liyah prophet, even confirmed also by command and with reason so different from the disbelievers,

Ibn Taymiyya asserted, that in contrast to unbelievers is a thing by Personality 'is emphasized. And like the disbelievers outwardly may have feelings of love in his heart, as a feeling of love in the mind can cause feelings of the birth. It has been proven by a fact and obtained by an experiment.

Furthermore, he said: Al-Quran, Hadith and Ijma 'has asserted against the command that is different from the unbelievers and resemble their entirety is prohibited. Anything that would cause damage, albeit somewhat hidden, then it can be associated with a law and can be declared illegitimate. So in terms of resembling the disbelievers outwardly resemble already a cause for the character and his actions were reprehensible, even be able to affect the trust. His influence is not able dikonkritkan, and ugliness caused by the attitude of itself resembles sometimes not so clear, sometimes even difficult to prove. But every thing is the cause of the emergence of a malfunction, Personality 'think of a thing haram.25

From the descriptions above, we can conclude that the problem is no beard shave three opinions:

First Opinion: The statute unlawful. Who argue thus, is Ibn Taymiyyah and others.
The second opinion: Makruh. Who hold this Iyadh is, as mentioned in Fathul Bari. Being no other scholars who argue that.
Third Opinion: permissible. While scholars who hold this now.
But perhaps a rather moderate and middle being the opinion stating makruh. Because each command does not always show on the mandatory, although in this case that the Prophet had given different reasons infidels. Comparisons are closer to this issue is on the order shining hair so different from the Jews and Christians. But there are some friends who do not do it. Therefore, the order merely shows voluntary.

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