Wednesday 21 November 2012

Standing at Arafat wisdom

Without the unexpected, suddenly we were struck again the victim in the term Mina religion "Jamarat Martyrs Mina". Just a few years ago the term "martyr torowongan Mina". According to the author of "martyrs" who recently memperoeh two martyrdom. Firstly because the Hajj itself is jihad. Second, the implementation throws Jamrah it is the hardest part in the hajj, because after draining on Arafah day and night without a break, had to walk several kilometers to jostle with the narrowest locations visited by about three million people or more in the same time.

Actually, they were martyred was a lot of fun, because they like the mujahideen in the war that had won the war because it has been hajj. If someone would just present briefly between noon and sunset, on 9 Zulhijjah in Arafat, though in a state of ill, without reading even one sentence prayer, then his Hajj is valid, because the Prophet once said: "Al-hajju 'Arafah" (Haji's is Wuquf in Arafat) (Narrated by Bukhari).

The problem, if the alumni Arafah every year hundreds of thousands of them to grow, especially in
Indonesia, has a positive effect in him the values ​​that have been dirainya Arafat? Is he earned the title hajj able to drive an effective way to reduce moral depravity especially the corrupt nature of the epidemic in the whole society?.

Therefore we need to refresh the values ​​that sheltered behind wuquf in Arafat.

Wisdom worship before:

According to a Hukama ':

1. When you start at the beginning miqat ihram, with all the pleasure you start to undress greatness, the rank and title of the lot, then you replace them with white clothes white without seamless for men. This symbolizes that in the face of God together with the clothes you wear shroud. That is, a servant must be clean, which is preceded by bathing the whole body and ablution.

Dressed in white uniforms, it also signifies that party differences, opinions and disputes as well as status, should be thrown away, so psychologically we all can feel the brotherhood and equality. Felt also intermingling between black or white, between the sharp and flat, and the stout-bodied with a small and weak, like most Asian people.

That is, ukhuwah Islamiyah more prominent in solution, from wathaniah (nationality) who only identity when not dressed in ihram kloter. Ihram clothing worn at the time when it starts to not only ban miqat committed fornication, fighting or sin, but also to be banned damaging the environment, which causes a person to be in huge fines if someone kills an animal or chop down a tree. Here can be seen how much attention the environmental religion.

2.Thawaf which means round the Ka'bah with tens of thousands of people, provide an overview of human melting into the divine presence, share the same goal, late in the arms of God, mortal as illustrated Sufis. With tawaf together, people become aware, however, that the length of around everywhere, searched and searched, finally arriving at a point of culmination, that ultimately depend upon God, the LORD is the place to ask sustenance, God places for mercy, for all the sins committed during the still in the country.

3.Ketika throw Jumrah with a conviction to remove any influence of passion who want to lead men into the valley of sin. We are aware that everything that affects a person to sin we must expel opponents and even the form of property, rank or throwing Jumrah wanita.Bahkan to complete, we must continue to slaughter animals qurban to kill any animal traits. Slaughtering an animal nature of man as nature wolf symbolizes cruelty, which symbolizes the nature of rat cunning and corruption, the nature of the dog symbolizes deception and the nature of sheep always symbolizes the servitude.

When we realize how important it is to slaughter the animal nature, then we use throw stones Jumrah is collected in Muzdalifah at midnight. That means we have to be a secret weapon for the enemy so that he does not fight with the same weapons.

Padang Mahsyar:
Special wuquf at Arafat which is the highlight of the day "H" is symbolized in the paddock Mahsyar doomsday. Padang Mahsyar on the Day of Resurrection is a gathering place after rising from the grave. Mahsyar wilderness that a man will give an account to God for everything he does live in the world. Acts of kindness and sincerity will be rewarded with good, bad deeds will be rewarded with a bad anyway (In Khairan Khairun fa, fa syarrun syarran Wain). All the world court's decision void, and there is no one who can be bribed.

Prayer repeatedly read when wuquf include: O Allah make bright light in my heart, in my hearing, in my sight, on my tongue. O God, my heart Exert, mudahkanlah business. O God the creator of heaven and earth, do not make me after praying to you, even increased shit and wretched, insane due to the increasing wealth and power, which caused me to gain a lot of sins to You. Forgive me, that the calculation of the field mahsyar amalku scales more kindness. I repent, I realized, I had a miniature biological value mahsyar Arafat. Amin Yes Rabbal alamin.

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