Thursday 22 November 2012

Law believes Predictions

Allaah says which means, "Who created the seven heavens in layers, you'll never look at the creation of the Merciful Lord something that is not balanced. Behold again and again, is there anything you see that is not balanced?" Then again look at your vision will surely come back to you with your vision disabilities and find something that was in a state of trouble. Surely We have adorned the lowest heaven with the stars, and We made the stars thrower demon tools, and We have prepared for their torment of the fire. " (Surat al-Mulk: 3-5)

Allah describes the splendor of His creation sky. The sky is a beautiful and charming as it is decorated with stars. Star mentioned in the paragraph above serves to throw the devil and to decorate the sky. But actually function there was one more star. Overall star has three functions.

Function Three Stars in the Sky
The first function: To throw the demons that will steal the sky news. It is set forth in surat Al Mulk,
وجعلناها رجوما للشياطين وأعتدنا لهم عذاب السعير
"And We made the stars it means throwing demons, and We have prepared for them the torment of the fire." (Surat al-Mulk: 5)
Satan steals sky news from heaven the angels. Then he will pass on soothsayer. But God always keep the sky with sparks escaping from the star, then the thieves news vain sky. Especially when sent by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, sky continues to be protected by a spark. As God Ta'alaberfirman,
وأنا كنا نقعد منها مقاعد للسمع فمن يستمع الآن يجد له شهابا رصدا, وأنا لا ندري أشر أريد بمن في الأرض أم أراد بهم ربهم رشدا
"And verily, we used to be occupied some place in the sky to listen to (steal). But now he who (try to) listen now (as it is) will find a flaming fire (to burn). And indeed we do not know (by the guardhouse) if desired evil for those on earth, or whether their Lord wills good to them. "(Surat al-Jinn: 9-10). Sky News is the devil stole very little at all. [1]
The second function: As a direction such constellations become beacons for fishermen at sea.
وعلامات وبالنجم هم يهتدون
"And (He created) the signs (the guide). And the stars that they got the hint. "(Surat an-Nahl: 16). He made the sign of the travelers that they can use as a guide in the earth and the signs in the sky. [2]
The third function: As the sky lights and decorate the world. As mentioned in the word of God,
ولقد زينا السماء الدنيا بمصابيح
"Surely We have adorned the lowest heaven with stars." (Surat al-Mulk: 5)
إنا زينا السماء الدنيا بزينة الكواكب
"We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars." (Surah Ash Shofaat: 6)
Regarding surat Al Mulk verse 5, expert commentary cleric-Qotadah As Sadusiy-say,
إن الله جل ثناؤه إنما خلق هذه النجوم لثلاث خصال: خلقها زينة للسماء الدنيا, ورجوما للشياطين, وعلامات يهتدي بها; فمن يتأول منها غير ذلك, فقد قال برأيه, وأخطأ حظه, وأضاع نصيبه, وتكلف ما لا علم له به.
"Verily, Allah Ta'ala is created stars for three purposes: [1] as a garnish sky world, [2] as a thrower devil, and [3] as a direction. Anyone who believes the function of a star other than that, it means he has to speak with his mind alone, he has been getting bad luck, wasted his religion (consequential dikafirkan) and had trouble the talk that he had no knowledge at all. "[3 ] From here Qotadah prohibit learn the position of stars, as well as Sufyan bin 'Uyainah not give relief in this matter. [4]
Position the Learning Sciences Sky Objects
There are two sciences that study the positions of celestial bodies is the science of astronomy (science-Yir bag) and astrology (ta'tsir science).
First: Science astronomy (the study of bag-Yir)
Astronomy, which etymologically means "the science of stars" is the science involving the observation and explanation of events occurring outside Earth and its atmosphere. This science of studying the origins, evolution, physical and chemical properties of objects that can be seen in the sky (and beyond Earth), as well as processes involving them.
Astronomy is one of the few sciences where amateurs still play an active role, especially in the discovery and observation of transient phenomena. Astronomy should not be confused with astrology, the pseudo science that assumes that human destiny can be attributed to the location of astronomical objects in the sky. Despite having the same origin, these two areas are very different. Astronomers using the scientific method, while astrologers do not. [5]
Second: astrology Science (science ta'tsir)
Astrology is a science that links between the movement of the solar system objects (planets, moon and sun) with the fate of mankind. Because of all the planets, the sun and the moon in the whole circle of the ecliptic, they all also automatically circulate among the zodiac. Astrology is based on the position of objects in the solar system in the zodiac.
Someone will bear the zodiac sign based on the position of the sun in the zodiac on the date of his birth. For example, people born in early December will berzodiak Sagittarius, because on that date the Sun is in the constellation Sagittarius. Position of the Sun itself divided between tropical and time sideral causes there are two kinds of zodiac, tropical zodiac and the zodiac sideral. Most Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac.
In the sky there are ball imaginary line called the ecliptic circle. When observed from the Earth, all solar system objects (planets, the Moon and the Sun) circulating in the sky around the ecliptic circle. The specialty of the twelve zodiac constellations than others are all located in the region of the sky that cuts the ecliptic circle. So it can be concluded zodiac constellations are all located along the ecliptic circle. Constellations are:
Capricorn: Ram Sea
Aquarius: Water Bearer
Pisces: Fish
Aries: Sheep
Taurus: Buffalo
Gemini: The Twins
Cancer: Crab
Leo: Lions
Virgo: Virgin Girl
Libra: Scales
Scorpio: Scorpions
Sagittarius: The Archer [6]
Studying Law Science Astronomy and Astrology
The scholars in the study assessing the position of celestial bodies there are two opinions:
The first opinion: Forbidden studied the position of celestial bodies. This is the opinion Qotadah and Sufyan bin 'Uyainah. The reason they banned it in order saddu dzari'ah adz is closed off from the things forbidden. They worry that if the position of the star is studied, it is believed that the positions of celestial bodies can affect one's destiny. But this opinion is the opinion of scholars who have in the past only.
The second opinion: It's okay to learn the positions of celestial bodies. That allowed here is a science-Yir bag (astronomy). This is the opinion of Imam Ahmad, Ishaq bin Rohuyah and most scholars.
The second opinion is more appropriate for a variety of benefits to be derived from the science of astronomy and did not include a prohibited reason. Science-Yir bag (astronomy) has several benefits. Of which can be used for religious purposes such as knowing Qibla direction and prayer time. Or to know the affairs of the world such as the change of seasons. This is all included arithmetic and permissible. [7]
While the study was restricted to the first science called science ta'tsir (astrology). In astrology, there is a belief that the position of heavenly bodies affect one's fate. [8] Though there is no scientific link between the positions of celestial bodies and one's fate. This is wrong.
So, what is forbidden is the science learned ta'tsir (astrology). While science-Yir bag (astronomy) is the science of life so it is not very helpful to learn why.
Confidence Against Zodiac and Horoscope
There are three kinds of beliefs in question and all three were unlawful.
First: The belief that the positions of celestial bodies that create all the events that exist in the universe and all the events coming from the movement of celestial bodies.
Such belief is the belief held by Ash Shobi-ah. They deny God as creator. Any event that is created by the heavenly bodies. Movement of celestial bodies that exist can be claimed cause of good and bad events in the universe. Such belief is the belief that kufr by consensus of the scholars.
Second: The belief that the positions of celestial bodies that exist only as a cause (ta'tsir) and the object is not created any events. That creates every incident is God, while the positions of celestial bodies is merely cause alone. Such confidence also remains fallible and includes shirk ashgor. Because God himself never made the object as cause. God did not ever think of having links with the incident on the face of the earth, such as rain and winds unleash. All of this back in the setting of God and His permission, and absolutely nothing to do with the position of celestial bodies that exist. God only created stars for three purposes as stated above.
Third: The position of celestial bodies as a guide for the future events. Such convictions means claiming to ghoib science. This includes witchcraft and magic. Such actions include infidelity by the consensus of the scholars. [9]
In essence, the above three beliefs are false beliefs, though only considered as a cause or merely a prediction. Unfortunately, such a belief is widespread among the Muslim community. They were so excited enjoying prophecy in magazines, newspapers, and in the virtual world (such as on social networking sites, Facebook and Friendster). Some believe they had star predictions. Moreover, if indeed the prediction of financial condition and fitted with a romance at the time. Really, this is a major disaster in the body of this people. Reading to justify the proposal was also considered to be a common thing and not worth the sin. -Wal 'iyadzu billah-
Law and Zodiac Horoscope Reading
Zodiac or horoscope contains ramalann state of romance, finance, a person's success in the future. Regular forecasts described his situation at 1 week or next month.
How to get horoscope is no need to laboriously up to the forecaster. Nowadays, everyone has presented an easy way to read horoscopes through magazines, newspapers or TV. Even now it can be to type sms with the format reg through space, and so on.
From here to note that legal scholars often equate reading with astrological law came predictor that claim to know of cases ghoib. Both are rated the same laws as equally ghoib questioned in the future.
Shaykh Salih Alu-hafizhohullah-Shaykh said, "If someone is reading a newspaper page containing the zodiac according to the date of birth or zodiac that he cocoki, it's just like come shaman. As a result, just about reading these prayers are not accepted for forty days. Whereas if someone in the zodiac to justify the prophecy, then it means it has the kufr of the Qur'an which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "[10]
Essentially, there are two details of the law in this matter.
First: If merely reading the zodiac or astrological predictions, while not believe prophecies or not justify it, then it is still unclean. As a result of these actions, prayers are not accepted for 40 days.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
من أتى عرافا فسأله عن شىء لم تقبل له صلاة أربعين ليلة
"Whoever comes soothsayer, his prayer for 40 days is not acceptable." [11] This is a result of merely reading.
The purpose of prayer is not accepted for 40 days described by An Nawawi: "The purpose of prayer is not accepted that person does not get the reward. But pray he does still considered to abort obligations prayer and he did not need to repeat his prayer. "[12]
Second: When to justify or believe in this prophecy, it is considered to have mengkufuri Qur'an which states only Allah ghoib science knowledge.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
من أتى كاهنا أو عرافا فصدقه بما يقول فقد كفر بما أنزل على محمد
"Whoever comes to healers or fortune-teller, and he justify it, then it means it has Kufr in the Qur'an which was revealed to Muhammad." [13]
But if one reads the prophecy was to refute and dismantle kedustaannya, including such ordered even be assessed mandatory. [14] These laws also apply to other than the forecast horoscope.
Shaykh Salih Sheikh Alu advises, "We shall deny any person of such horoscope reading and we advise that he should not get mired in sin. Let us ban to include magazines containing horoscopes in the same house as this insert predictor into the house. Such actions include major sins (al kabair)-wal 'iyadzu billah-. ...
Therefore, it is mandatory for every claimant science to remind people about the negative consequences of reading the horoscope. Let him deliver it in every word, when it finished the five daily prayers and Friday sermons. Since this is a disaster for the people. But there are few who deny and warned against this kind of mistake. "[15]
From here, it is fitting for a Muslim does not concern itself with reading predictions stars through magazines, newspapers, television or via text message via SMS. So did not need someone busied himself when in the virtual world to attend various predictions on the star. Because although not to believe in prophecy, still a person can be exposed to sin if he does not intend to dispute the earlier forecast. May Allah protect us and our children from this kind of damage.
Genesis Future Will Come Being God Specificity
Know, my brother. Case of the future is a matter of the specificity of God and into the realm of ghoib. So it is not appropriate for a creature had to guess what will happen in the future through horoscopes, zodiac and the like [16]. Similarly, should not believe in such predictions, as we've just ban above.
Allah Ta'ala says,
إن الله عنده علم الساعة وينزل الغيث ويعلم ما في الأرحام وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت إن الله عليم خبير
"Verily, Allah is with Him alone is the knowledge of the Hour, and He is the rain, and knows what is in the womb. And no one can know (for sure) what will be earned tomorrow. And no one can know where on earth he was going to die. Surely Allah is Knower, Aware. "(Surah Luqman: 34)
It is also mentioned in Sahih Al Bukhari from Ibn 'Umar radi' anhuma of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said,
مفاتح الغيب خمس
"The key science ghoib were five." [17] Then he also read the word of God (which means): "Verily, Allah is with Him alone is the knowledge of the Hour, ... dst ".
The key: Self Relying on God
Suffice someone believes that everything is predestined by The Above. We just try and try with resignation. In this way, what we want with the permission of Allah be achieved.
Of Umar ibn Al Khoththob radi 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
لو أنكم تتوكلون على الله حق توكله لرزقكم كما يرزق الطير تغدو خماصا وتروح بطانا
"If you really sole trust in God, true God will give you good luck as the birds get a fortune. The bird was gone in the morning in a state of hunger and return in the afternoon in a state of satiety. "[18]
If God is so backrest in any effort, then He will suffice each lavatory. Is not Allah the Exalted, the All-Sufficient said,
ومن يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه
"And those who put their trust in Allah, Allah will suffice (the need) it." (Surah Ath Tholaq: ​​3)? Al-Qurtubi said, "Whoever handed his business entirely to God, then God will meet their needs." [19]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never reading the article on the Abu Dhar. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallamberkata him,
لو أن الناس كلهم ​​أخذوا بها لكفتهم
"If all people take this advice, that will suffice them." [20] That is if people really cautious and sole trust, then indeed Allah will suffice world affairs and religion. [21]
Then masihkah conceived in our hearts to hang themselves and believe in predictions, but there is Lord the Most Adequate and best of The Dependent?!

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