Saturday 24 November 2012

Islamic religious differences with other religions

Problems distinguishing characteristics of Islam is an immense coverage issue. And I could discuss only a few aspects which I have selected for my description of this. Time will not allow more than just a cursory mention to certain aspects that I do not want to miss. *

1.) Islam believe in God as the Creator of nature and show Unity semeta words very simple, comprehensive and interesting. Interest in a rural or a scholar. Muslims call God as Being The Plenary, the source of all beauty and free from defects Segal. He is the Supreme Being of Life manifests Himself everywhere and who loves his creatures and hear their requests. None of the properties that have been suspended. Therefore, human beings communicate with Him as He communicated before this and did not close the road to reach him directly.
2.) Muslims believe that there is no contradiction between the word of God with deeds. Thus the Lord delivered us from the traditional hostility between science and religion, and does not want us to believe something that is outside the laws of nature set him though. God encourages us to ponder about the nature and derive benefit from it, because all things have been created for the benefit of mankind.
3.) Islam does not put an empty confession or compel us to believe something we do not understand. Islamic teachings with supporting reasons and information that gives satisfaction to the mind and the foundation of our souls deeply. Islam is not based on myths or stories of. Islam invites everyone to experiment for themselves and forever hold that truth can be proved in one form or another.
4.) Revealed Book of Islam (the Qur'an) is a unique and distinguishing religion from the face of other religions. Although the enemies of Islam seek integrated for centuries, they were not able to match even a small part of the book yag magical than this. The surplus is not only located only in the uniqueness and beauty of susasteranya, but also in kebersahajaannya and breadth of insight and kepepakan teachings. The Qur'an proclaims that teaching is the best-a pengkuan are not made by the books of other revelations.
Qur'an mangaku have combined elements of the best celestial teachings contained in the earlier scriptures and have put in it all the timeless teachings and extensive summarized. The Qur'an reminds:
"Surely this is taught in previous books, sacred books of Abraham and Moses" (87:19)
A distinctive characteristic of Islam is that its holy book of the living language. if not questionable if all the languages ​​of Scripture is dead or no longer in general use? A holy book should have a living language and are valid for eternity.
5.) One other distinguishing feature is the prophet of Islam has surpassed all stages of human life pangalaman since as a child that situation again abandoned orphan and eventually became a ruler of his people. Peri documented his life to the letter, reflecting the exceptional faith in God and the sacrifice of unceasing in His ways. He lived a full of events and actions and deeds left a perfect example in every field of human doings. It is thus very suitable and appropriate to say, because he is the living interpretation of the Qur'an and the example of a road of personal attack humans for all times to come-a role that is not adequately met by any other prophet.
6.) One other distinguishing feature of Islam is a prophecy-the prophecy has come true over the centuries, it has strengthened the faith of his followers to the Almighty Supreme Life menngetahui again. This process continues until the present, as evidenced by new discoveries recently, the mummy of Pharaoh who expelled the Prophet Moses and his people from the land of Egypt. Another fresh example is the development of new means for creating destruction, which is locked in a fire-paartikel particles which would stretch that could cause mountains destroyed.
7.) An Islamic characteristic of Islam is that when discussing the afterlife and life after death Islam had predicted the events that will occur in the future in this world, this prediction refinement followers affirm belief in life after death.
8.) Islam differs from other religions in providing comprehensive legal muamalah human behavior individually, collectively and internationally. These commands cover all situations and covers the relationship between friends and partners, and even between opponents. Pertauran rules and principles are clearly stated it was Benara are universal and proven toughness all the time.
9.) Islam proclaimed the complete equality among human beings irrespective of caste, creed, and color. The only measure of honor is recognition of piety, not ancestry, wealth, race and color. The Qur'an says:
"Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you" (49:140)
and again:
"Those who work righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer-they will enter heaven, they will be given sustenance in it without calculation". (40:41)
10.) Islam put forward a definition of good and evil that distinguishes it from other religions. Islam does not believe in the evil passions of human nature. Islam just calling gratification of unbridled lust and not on tempatnyalah as evil. Islam teaches that our natural tendencies to be regulated and channeled constructively in order to make it more beneficial to society.
11.) Islam is not only to make women heirs, but also has memebrikan them the same rights as men, and not in a way that does not appreciate the distinctive features of their anatomy and their typical duty obligations in containing and care of children.

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