Thursday 22 November 2012

Miqat Hajj

Ilustrasi Miqat Makani. Foto:

Miqat divided into two categories, namely Miqat Zamani (time) and Miqat Makani (place).

 - Miqat is the singular form of mawaqit, meaning punctuality. That is, a place where one has to do something, or a certain time and place.
Miqat Zamani is a legitimate work of the Hajj, which is the 1st of Shawwal until dawn on Hari Raya Haji (Eid al-Adha, the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah), and must be implemented in a period of ihram is as Allah says in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 189-197.
While Miqat ihram Makani a starting place for people who want to do the Hajj or Umrah. There are five kinds of Miqat Makani determined by the Prophet Muhammad, namely:
1. Miqat for the people of Medina, namely Dhul Hulaifah. Now known as Abyar Ali.
2. Miqat for residents of Syria and Iran, which Juhfah. A secluded place near Rabigh. Those who wear the ihram in Rabigh find the closest place to Juhfah.
3. Miqat for residents of Najd was Qarnul Manazil. Now known as Al-Sail.
4. Miqat for Yemen's population is Yalamlam.
5. Miqat for Iraqis is the Essence IRQ.
As for Indonesian pilgrims who come to the Holy Land transport aircraft, the Miqat Makaninya be allowed to berihram on the plane. When it was up and setentang the edge of the Haram and Halal Land.
The scholars also argue, if difficult to berihram in the plane, given the ihram is recommended to shower first. Then allowed to berihram since the country. Wallahu'alam.

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