Monday, 10 December 2012

Commands in the Quran

QS. Al-Jumu'ah: 9
    "O ye who believe, when called upon to perform the Friday prayer, the haste ye in the remembrance of Allah and leave the selling beli1). That is better for you if ye only knew ".

1) That is: if the priest had been muezzin climbed the pulpit and prayer on Friday, then the Muslims shall hasten to meet the muezzin call and leave all the work.

QS. Al-Ahzab: 9

            "O ye who believe, remember the favor of Allah (which is given) to you when it comes unto the soldiers, and then we send them a hurricane and forces that ye can not melihatnya2) and is Allah sees what you do ".

2) the story of Ahzab verse explains that factions were destroyed in the war against Allah and Khandaq as His Messenger. What is meant by the army that you can not see are the angels who deliberately brought God to destroy the enemies of God.

QS. Al-Baqoroh: 152
            "O ye who believe, teach patience and prayers as penolongmu3), verily Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere."

3) There is also a mean: Ask for help (to Allah) with patience and prayer.

QS. Al-Maida: 90
            "O ye who believe, verily (drinking) khamr, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, gambled with fate panah4), including deeds are devils. So stay away from those deeds that ye prosper. "

4) Al-Azlaam meaning: arrows not wear fur. Ignorance Arabs use the arrows do not wear fur to determine if they will do a deed or not. The trick is this: they took three darts not wear fur. After each one is written with: do it, do not do, while the third is not written anything, put in a place and kept in the Kaaba. If they want to do something then they demanded that the caretaker Kaaba take a dart. Whatever it later if they would do or not do something, according to the paper dart taken it. If the arrows are drawn no writings, the lottery is repeated once more.

QS. Al-Munafiqun: 9
            "O you who believe, let not your wealth and your children malalaikan you from the remembrance of Allah. Those who do so, then they are the losers ".

QS. Al-Baqoroh: 183
            "O ye who believe, fasting is obligatory upon you as required above those before you, that ye fear Allah".

QS. Al-Baqoroh: 172
            "O you who believe, eat dantara the good fortune that we have given you and be grateful to Allah, if it is really Him ye worship."

QS. Al-Ahzab: 56
            "Verily Allah and His angels shalawat to Nabi5). O ye who believe! Bershalawatlah you to respect the Prophet and say hello to him 6) ".

5) shalawat meaning: that of God is to give grace, of forgiveness and ask the angels means that of the people who prayed that believers meaning given such grace by saying: Allahuma Shalli ala Muhammad.
6) With utter words like: Assalamu'alaika ayyuhan Prophet means: I hope you O Prophet gushing safety.

QS. Muhammad: 7
            "O believers, if you help (religion of) Allah, He will help you and strengthen your position."

QS. Muhammad: 33
            "O ye who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not destroy (the reward of) charity.

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