Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Definition of Pellets and Implants

Pellets and implants is the solution that has been tried by some people to make a woman they like to fall in love with him. Tip this love he has proven to be reliable and could be. Studies woman charmer pellets can also be used when casting soap operas and advertisements come to be chosen to be a star in the future. See how the narrative of those who wore the pellets from a shaman following:
"At first I was afraid would attach the implant, but after my consultation length problem I experienced today with Supri pack, I was steady, because I was given an explanation of kasiat and benefits after using the implant.

God bless you and thank god my girlfriend who had already turned to me, after I
put the implant in a pack supri
Less than a month my girlfriend back to her, increasingly sticky as pellets hit it, I was surprised to find that he seemed afraid of losing me, I say Trimakasih the pack that has pleased membantu.salam supri success always thx .... "( http://www.pasangsusuk.com)
Shirk on Implant and Pellets
Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said that he heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
إن الرقى والتمائم والتولة شرك
"Verily, incantations, amulets and pellets are shirk" (Narrated by Abu Dawud no. 3883, Ibn Majah no. 3530 and Ahmad 1: 381. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh).
Tiwalah mentioned in this hadith is something that is made and claimed to make women stick to the husband and vice versa (see the Book of Tawheed, Shaykh Muhammad At Tamimi). So could it be tiwalah pellets, amulets, implants, and one who yearns fur. But some scholars say that tiwalah question is if it comes from magic (See Sharh Book of Tawhid, p. 62). Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that this tiwalah obtained from street magic (Fathul Bari, 10: 196). So if a charmer or a teaser of love in the form of implants, one who yearns fur fetish and then included in the category tamimah (amulets). And amulets were also forbidden as mentioned in the above hadith.
Using the pellets included shirk because in it there is the confidence to resist hazards and benefit from other than Allah Ta'ala (See Fathul Majid, 139). Sholeh Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al 'Uthaymeen said, "Tiwalah classified as tiwalah not shirk because syar'i (which supported the proposition), nor because Qodari (as proved by experiment)."
Wedding Ring the Fruitful Disaster
Wedding rings can include illegal if it is believed that if the ring when removed from the couple could be dangerous. This means that a wedding ring can be a great masalaha if accompanied by false beliefs. Households can be lasting or not depends wears the ring, this mistaken belief.
Sholeh Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah said, "If the wedding ring is believed to bring benefits and avert danger. If there is a belief that the ring is still in the hands of the husband, then marriage will continue to exists. If not worn, it will be broken. If such an intention exists when using a wedding ring, it includes shirk ashgor (small).
If such intention does not exist-and he probably did not intend such (that merely wearing a wedding ring), then the wedding ring remains off limits because it includes a form tasyabuh (imitating indigenous non-Muslims).
If the wedding ring is worn from gold, worn by men forbidden. This is the third side of the ring is forbidden.
Bottom line wedding ring can bear problems that could include shirk, can resemble traditional Christians can (non-Muslims), or can be forbidden because they were of gold and used by men. If in spite of the three problems above (no element of shirk, no element tasyabbuh, do not use a ring of gold but of other metals), then it may be. "(Al Qoulul Mufid, 1: 182).
Mate Tak Kan Whither
Mate obviously not going anywhere. God has predestined, that's what we get and will not escape us. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
كتب الله مقادير الخلائق قبل أن يخلق السموات والأرض بخمسين ألف سنة
"Allah has recorded destiny every creature before 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth" (Narrated by Muslim no. 2653, of 'Abdullah bin' Amr bin Al-'Ash).
In the hadith mentioned in the book Sunan,
أن ما أصابك لم يكن ليخطئك وأن ما أخطأك لم يكن ليصيبك
"What is destined will happen to you, it will not escape you. What are destined to escape from you, it will not happen to you "(Narrated by Abu Dawud no. 4699. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh).
Faith in destiny, and this is the foundation of kindness will make a person more pleased with every trial. Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The foundation of every virtue is if you know that any God would surely occur and any that is not God's will is not going to happen"
So why should attract a partner or mate with pellets and implant? It's minus believe in divine destiny. Only we are trying in a lawful manner.
How to Be Attractive Couple?
Powerful way for those who already have a partner to remain sticky like stamps with their partner is no other way but to do his duty as a husband or wife. Why should the husband dipelet dukunn to ask, but never at home dressed up in front of her husband and never other responsibilities. Try to be an obedient wife, then he will get the following virtues.
إذا صلت المرأة خمسها وصامت شهرها وحفظت فرجها وأطاعت زوجها قيل لها ادخلى الجنة من أى أبواب الجنة شئت
"If a woman always keep the five daily prayers, fasting is also a month (of Ramadan), and actually keep the cock (of fornication) and totally obedient to her husband, then said to the woman who has a noble nature," Come in heaven through any door that you like. "(Narrated by Ahmad 1: 191 and Ibn Hibban 9: 471. Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that this hadeeth saheeh).
In another hadith mentioned about the command for women to always look beautiful in front of her husband,
قيل لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أي النساء خير قال التي تسره إذا نظر وتطيعه إذا أمر ولا تخالفه في نفسها ومالها بما يكره
Once asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Who is the best woman?" He replied, "That is the most fun when seen her, obey her husband if the governed, and not menyelisihi husband to himself and his property so as to make husbands hate" (HR . an-Nasai no. 3231 and Ahmad 2: 251. Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadith is hasan hadeeth). Try to see what if the wife be obedient to God in worship diligent and always look special in the presence of their husbands, it will make the husband more sticky.
And those who have not been able to match, continue to improve yourself for the better. And multiply prayers, then mate it was not where. Supplication can be offered to get a mate is prayer broom universe, because prayer includes good of the world and the hereafter. Included in it is mate. Benediction was,
ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار
"Our Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of Hell" (Surat al-Baqara: 201).
Although Powerful, Not Be Told Halal
Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmu 'Al Fataawa (1: 264) has shown that despite the achievement of objectives in some way, it can not justify the means. Similarly, in this case, although the pellets and implants looks potent and proven for some people, it does not show the act was lawful. Shirk clearly be illegal even if the purpose is achieved.
As exemplified by Ibn Taymiyyah regarding the achievement of objectives does not show halal way done,
. وليس مجرد كون الدعاء حصل به المقصود ما يدل على أنه سائغ في الشريعة فإن كثيرا من الناس يدعون من دون الله من الكواكب والمخلوقين ويحصل ما يحصل
"The achievement of prayer is not to show you something that may be according to Shariah. Look no little pray to other than Allah, such as asking for the stars and asked for prayers on the creature (not to God), do'anya granted (though erroneous actions and include Shirk, pen) "(Majmu 'Al Fataawa , 1: 264).
May Allah save us and our families from various forms of servitude to other than Allah, and keep us from shirk.
Wa billahit taufiq.

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