CUT NAILS: namely throwing hujung nails that are unconnected with the content samada fingernail or toe so tightly to the skin under the nails and wash. Long nails beyond the skin under the nail will be the breeding of germs, bacteria viruses daan. Nails used to rake his deep itch, take something, opened something dirty, and is also used to pick up food, pinched side dish. If there are germs that accumulate under the nail then someone would be seized with a variety of diseases.
Shorten or cut nails including sunnanul-nature that God has fitrahkan the creatures that
it considers both the size and mensunnahkannya to them as shari'ah. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has set the time on this issue and in case of shaving, shaving the pubic hairs, and plucking the armpit hairs, that is so not allowed to exceed forty days. So based on this, should not we let the nails for more than forty days does not cut it at all, either clean or dirty nail. For the best of both instructions are instructions Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and not shave menyelisihi nature that God has made the man, and let more than forty days, if that took him to do that is to imitate the disbelievers who deviated nature of salvation, then that such is forbidden, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Whoever imitates a people then he was among them." (Narrated by Ahmad with a sanad jayyid)
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, "The state of the light of the hadith is the prohibition, although it requires dzahir kafirnya people like them."
But if the factors driving him to do this is simply to follow the passions of human beings, then, such was the nature and menyelisihi menyelisihi deadline set by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam for his people. [As-god Muhimmah]
Law And Wisdom Cut Nails
Cutting the nails is included in the practice of circumcision. As mentioned in the hadith of 'Aisha radhiallahu' anha which means: "Ten cases mistaken as given (sunnah): cutting the mustache, beard, bersugi, putting water into the nose, cutting the nails, washing the joints, plucking the armpit hairs, shaving ari-ari, water purification (beristinja), said Zakaria: "Mus'ab said:" I forgot the tenth except gargle. "
Hadith narrated by Muslim) Cutting the nails is circumcision for men and women are no nails or toes. The wisdom than pensyariatan cut nails is eliminating any dirt or nail gathered in the gap, which may hinder the arrival of the debris when water purification.
Other than that, if left too long nails and any dirt or unclean inherent in it, he may menjejaskan kesihatan nescaya.
How To Cut Nails and Objects
Islam determines its own way when cutting nails or toes.
Circumcision cut nails started than right hand then left hand, then cut the nail right foot left foot.
According to Imam an-Nawawi, circumcision began with finger nails cut right hand index finger until well overall than the little finger and thumb followed, then the left hand little finger than thumb until well.
While the toenails as well, starting right foot than your little finger thumb until well after the left foot than your thumb until well pinkie.
Should someone was cutting her nails with scissors, a knife or a typical object that does not cause harm to the nail or finger sepertimana recognized as a nail clipper.
When finished cutting the nails, washing hands immediately sayugia (where the nail that was cut) with water. It kerana if someone was harrowing to other members, will menghidap dreaded leprosy.
According to the book al-Fatawa al-Hindiyah the Hanafi school of that free makruh cut nails using his deep teeth he may inherit the disease of leprosy.
Time Cut Nails
In the case of cut nails, also taken about the time and attention taken in Islam. As for the time it tertakluklah cut nails on long nails it. When-when times sake only required to cut the nails if someone was willing to cut it. However, do not let the nails are not cut so exceeding forty days. As narrated by Anas bin Malik than the mean:
"It has been determined at the time we cut the mustache, cutting the nails, plucking the armpit hairs and shave the placenta so that we do not let more than forty nights." (Muslim)
As according to Imam ash-Syafi'e and scholars ash-Syafi'eyah, circumcision cut the nails before doing Juma'at prayer, circumcised as bathing, bersugi, berharuman, dressed container before going to the mosque for prayers Juma'at work.
Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri and Abu Hurayrah said anhuma the point:
It means: "said the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:" Anybody who bathe on the day Juma'at, bersugi, berwangian if you have one and wear the best clothes and then out of the house so that up to the mosque, he did not step over (break into) those who have bersaf, then he's doing what other features prayer (prayer circumcision), he was silent when the imam came out (preaching) and not a word that finished praying, then so be sin among Juma'at and Juma'at before. "(HR Ahmad)
Instead Abu Hurairah said that it means: "Bahawasanya Prophet sallallaahu 'alahi wasallam plumb cut nails and whiskers on Juma'at before the king came out to pray." (Reported by al-Bazzar and ath-Thabrani)
Meanwhile, according to Ibn Hajar rahimahullah Similarly, circumcision cut the nails on Friday or early on the day Juma'at or Isnin.
Planting Pieces Nails
Islam highly doubts about the glorified son of Adam including glorify human limbs. Circumcision nail pieces planted in the ground as a sign of respect, he was one of his deep than the human members. As mentioned in the book Fath al-Bari, that free Ibn '' Umar, planted pieces of nails.
Cutting Nails When menstruation, parturition and junub
According to the book Al-Ihya ', if a person is in a state of berhadas junub or large, do her hair cut, nail or bleed or cut something clearer than his body before he junub bath. Kerana every piece of it in the Hereafter will return him to the state junub.
But partly follow the opinion of the scholars', cut nails or hair when menstruation and childbirth is makruh not haram.
Nails lengthen and color (Cutex)
Lengthen the nail and let nature without cut is an act contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihhi wasallam, in order to promote his deep Sire cut nails. If left long nails, nescaya many cases that involve legal as ablution, bathing mandatory and so on.
As in the case of colored polish (Cutex), married women are forbidden color nail if her husband does not allow. While women who are not married anyway, forbidden him paint nails. Likewise, if the dye was done than excrement is haram but there is intent to use such berubat.
If the nail color that may hinder rather than the entry of water, then stripped wajiblah dye. If not uninstalled it than nails hands or feet, it is not valid if he berhadas minor ablution, or when he shall bathe big berhadas namely menstruation, childbirth or junub.
It also differed with berinai, kerana married women or women who want him circumcised berihram berinai or dating. Whatever be the circumcised berinai way it is by using henna leaf on the entire two hands up to the wrist. Circumcised also ran a little henna come forward, because when the ihram, the woman was told to open the face and sometimes the palms of hands will open. So with berinai it will cover the color of skin of the hands and face.
As for women who are not married, are makruh berinai (menginai entire two hands up to the wrist) without any reason suffer from weakness and did not intend to perform ihram. It kerana feared would cause a scandal.
While the only way berinai menginaikan hujung-hujung fingers and other features make certain carvings is not recommended, even unlawful to do so. However, for women whose husbands are required berinai manner with regard to existing licensing requirements than husband. It is perceived that there is a purpose ornate wife to husband. If the husband without legal imprimatur remains unlawful.
When law berinai for men on both hands and feet are unclean. As narrated by Anas bin Malik said that means:
"That free the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam forbade men to wear za'faran (kuma-kuma)."
(Hadith narrated by Muslim) In addition, the act berinai the hands and feet were found in it the elements of the way women resemble ornate. But if he was there suffer from weakness namely berinai kerana no purpose or intent as to berubat, it is not forbidden, nor even dimakruhkan onto it.
Shorten or cut nails including sunnanul-nature that God has fitrahkan the creatures that
it considers both the size and mensunnahkannya to them as shari'ah. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has set the time on this issue and in case of shaving, shaving the pubic hairs, and plucking the armpit hairs, that is so not allowed to exceed forty days. So based on this, should not we let the nails for more than forty days does not cut it at all, either clean or dirty nail. For the best of both instructions are instructions Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and not shave menyelisihi nature that God has made the man, and let more than forty days, if that took him to do that is to imitate the disbelievers who deviated nature of salvation, then that such is forbidden, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Whoever imitates a people then he was among them." (Narrated by Ahmad with a sanad jayyid)
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, "The state of the light of the hadith is the prohibition, although it requires dzahir kafirnya people like them."
But if the factors driving him to do this is simply to follow the passions of human beings, then, such was the nature and menyelisihi menyelisihi deadline set by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam for his people. [As-god Muhimmah]
Law And Wisdom Cut Nails
Cutting the nails is included in the practice of circumcision. As mentioned in the hadith of 'Aisha radhiallahu' anha which means: "Ten cases mistaken as given (sunnah): cutting the mustache, beard, bersugi, putting water into the nose, cutting the nails, washing the joints, plucking the armpit hairs, shaving ari-ari, water purification (beristinja), said Zakaria: "Mus'ab said:" I forgot the tenth except gargle. "
Hadith narrated by Muslim) Cutting the nails is circumcision for men and women are no nails or toes. The wisdom than pensyariatan cut nails is eliminating any dirt or nail gathered in the gap, which may hinder the arrival of the debris when water purification.
Other than that, if left too long nails and any dirt or unclean inherent in it, he may menjejaskan kesihatan nescaya.
How To Cut Nails and Objects
Islam determines its own way when cutting nails or toes.
According to Imam an-Nawawi, circumcision began with finger nails cut right hand index finger until well overall than the little finger and thumb followed, then the left hand little finger than thumb until well.
While the toenails as well, starting right foot than your little finger thumb until well after the left foot than your thumb until well pinkie.
Should someone was cutting her nails with scissors, a knife or a typical object that does not cause harm to the nail or finger sepertimana recognized as a nail clipper.
When finished cutting the nails, washing hands immediately sayugia (where the nail that was cut) with water. It kerana if someone was harrowing to other members, will menghidap dreaded leprosy.
According to the book al-Fatawa al-Hindiyah the Hanafi school of that free makruh cut nails using his deep teeth he may inherit the disease of leprosy.
Time Cut Nails
In the case of cut nails, also taken about the time and attention taken in Islam. As for the time it tertakluklah cut nails on long nails it. When-when times sake only required to cut the nails if someone was willing to cut it. However, do not let the nails are not cut so exceeding forty days. As narrated by Anas bin Malik than the mean:
"It has been determined at the time we cut the mustache, cutting the nails, plucking the armpit hairs and shave the placenta so that we do not let more than forty nights." (Muslim)
As according to Imam ash-Syafi'e and scholars ash-Syafi'eyah, circumcision cut the nails before doing Juma'at prayer, circumcised as bathing, bersugi, berharuman, dressed container before going to the mosque for prayers Juma'at work.
Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri and Abu Hurayrah said anhuma the point:
It means: "said the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:" Anybody who bathe on the day Juma'at, bersugi, berwangian if you have one and wear the best clothes and then out of the house so that up to the mosque, he did not step over (break into) those who have bersaf, then he's doing what other features prayer (prayer circumcision), he was silent when the imam came out (preaching) and not a word that finished praying, then so be sin among Juma'at and Juma'at before. "(HR Ahmad)
Instead Abu Hurairah said that it means: "Bahawasanya Prophet sallallaahu 'alahi wasallam plumb cut nails and whiskers on Juma'at before the king came out to pray." (Reported by al-Bazzar and ath-Thabrani)
Meanwhile, according to Ibn Hajar rahimahullah Similarly, circumcision cut the nails on Friday or early on the day Juma'at or Isnin.
Planting Pieces Nails
Islam highly doubts about the glorified son of Adam including glorify human limbs. Circumcision nail pieces planted in the ground as a sign of respect, he was one of his deep than the human members. As mentioned in the book Fath al-Bari, that free Ibn '' Umar, planted pieces of nails.
Cutting Nails When menstruation, parturition and junub
According to the book Al-Ihya ', if a person is in a state of berhadas junub or large, do her hair cut, nail or bleed or cut something clearer than his body before he junub bath. Kerana every piece of it in the Hereafter will return him to the state junub.
But partly follow the opinion of the scholars', cut nails or hair when menstruation and childbirth is makruh not haram.
Nails lengthen and color (Cutex)
Lengthen the nail and let nature without cut is an act contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihhi wasallam, in order to promote his deep Sire cut nails. If left long nails, nescaya many cases that involve legal as ablution, bathing mandatory and so on.
As in the case of colored polish (Cutex), married women are forbidden color nail if her husband does not allow. While women who are not married anyway, forbidden him paint nails. Likewise, if the dye was done than excrement is haram but there is intent to use such berubat.
If the nail color that may hinder rather than the entry of water, then stripped wajiblah dye. If not uninstalled it than nails hands or feet, it is not valid if he berhadas minor ablution, or when he shall bathe big berhadas namely menstruation, childbirth or junub.
It also differed with berinai, kerana married women or women who want him circumcised berihram berinai or dating. Whatever be the circumcised berinai way it is by using henna leaf on the entire two hands up to the wrist. Circumcised also ran a little henna come forward, because when the ihram, the woman was told to open the face and sometimes the palms of hands will open. So with berinai it will cover the color of skin of the hands and face.
As for women who are not married, are makruh berinai (menginai entire two hands up to the wrist) without any reason suffer from weakness and did not intend to perform ihram. It kerana feared would cause a scandal.
While the only way berinai menginaikan hujung-hujung fingers and other features make certain carvings is not recommended, even unlawful to do so. However, for women whose husbands are required berinai manner with regard to existing licensing requirements than husband. It is perceived that there is a purpose ornate wife to husband. If the husband without legal imprimatur remains unlawful.
When law berinai for men on both hands and feet are unclean. As narrated by Anas bin Malik said that means:
"That free the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam forbade men to wear za'faran (kuma-kuma)."
(Hadith narrated by Muslim) In addition, the act berinai the hands and feet were found in it the elements of the way women resemble ornate. But if he was there suffer from weakness namely berinai kerana no purpose or intent as to berubat, it is not forbidden, nor even dimakruhkan onto it.
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