وأنه تعالى جد ربنا ما اتخذ صاحبة ولا ولدا"And Allah Most High greatness of our God, He is not married and not (also) a son." (Surah al-Jinn: 3)بديع السماوات والأرض أنى يكون له ولد ولم تكن له صاحبة وخلق كل شيء وهو بكل شيء عليم"He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son when He
has no wife. He created all things and He knows all things. "(Surat al-An'am: 101)Allah informs that He does not need Rich to others. He did not need to raise a child of His creatures.قالوا اتخذ الله ولدا سبحانه هو الغني له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض إن عندكم من سلطان بهذا أتقولون على الله ما لا تعلمون"They (Jews and Christians) say:" Allah has a son. " Glory to God, He is the Rich; Him belongs what is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. You do not have any proof of this. Pantaskah say of Allah what ye know not? "(Surah Yunus: 68)Indeed, Christians have been enacted presumptuous to accuse Him God has appointed a servant and His Messenger as His children inherited his properties.Because of their speech, the almost-almost heaven and earth broke it."And they say: 'God, Most Gracious, take (have) children." Indeed you have brought something very unjust lawsuit., Almost heaven broke for saying that, and split the earth, and the mountains crumble, as they indict God Most Gracious had a son., and not worthy of God, Most Gracious, take (have) children. Nobody in the heavens and on earth, except to come to God the Most Gracious as a servant. " (Surah Maryam: 88-93)
Indeed, Christians have been enacted presumptuous to accuse Him God has appointed a servant and His Messenger as His children inherited his properties.Because of their speech, the almost-almost heaven and earth broke it.So it is not possible for a Muslim that Allah mentauhidkan will participate, support, congratulate them, and be merry with holiday celebrations are obviously insulting Allah openly. This belief canceling worship of God, for it is Allah Ta'ala qualifies Ibadurrahman clean of all that:والذين لا يشهدون الزور"And people who do not give false testimony ..." (Surat al-Furqaan: 72) The meaning of al zuur, is the feast day and the day of the mushrikeen as said by Ibn Abbas, Abul 'Aliyah, Ibn Sirin, and other scholars of the Companions and tabi'in.But in the midst of an age of slander, the principle of faith that has been listed since 1400 years ago and began to shake and disallowed. On the pretext of religious tolerance, respect for other people's religious celebrations. On the pretext of harmony among religious believers, some Muslims went along to celebrate the big day, and enliven this kufr and shirk. Some of them voluntarily to congratulate the unbelievers on their feast containing kufr and shirk stretcher.More tragically, the justification congratulate each other on inter-religious feast brought by the Muslim intellectuals. Not least those who hold a Professor and Doctor.Prof. Dr. Sofyan Siregar, MA in the content of the material conveyed in the European ICMI study in collaboration with the board Nasuha mosque in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Friday (17/12/2010), concluded that the Christmas congratulated by a Muslim legal or permissible, permissible. He congratulated the Christmas issue is part of mu'amalah, non-ritual. That in principle all non-ritual actions are permissible, unless there is a verse or hadith texts prohibiting.And according to Sofjan, there is not one verse of the Qur'an or hadith which explicitly prohibits any congratulate or greetings to non-Muslims, such as Christmas Day. (Detiknews.com, Sunday: 19/12/2010)Prof. Dr. HM Din Syamsuddin MA, Chairman of the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah, claimed accustomed congratulate Christmas to Christians."I congratulate every year Christmas to my Christian friends," he said in front of hundreds of Christians in Nat X BAMAG Insights seminar in Surabaya East Java (10/10/2005).
So it is not possible for a Muslim that Allah mentauhidkan will participate, support, congratulate him, and rejoice with festive Christmas celebrations that are clearly insulting Allah openly.Fatwa of Shaykh al-'Allama Muhammad bin Salih UthaymeenShaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen rahimahullaah asked about the ruling congratulates Christmas to the heathen."What law congratulate Christmas feast to unbelievers? And how do we respond if they say Christmas to us? Is it permissible to go to the places that hold these celebrations? Is someone guilty if you make one of these things without the intention to celebrate? Whether it's just lip service or because of embarrassment or because they had to or was it something else? Is it permissible to resemble them in that?He rahimahullaah said firmly, "Congratulating the disbelievers with greetings or other words related to their religious celebrations is haraam according to the agreement of scholars. As the quote from Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullaah in his Ahkam Ahl adh-dhimma, he said:"Saying goodbye to religious symbols of the unbelievers is forbidden by consensus. As congratulate them feast and fasting, saying 'Eed Muharak' Alaik (blessed feast upon you) or survivors rejoice at this feast, and other matters. If the person who said it had received a disbelief that include prohibition, congratulates its status as prostrating to the cross. In fact, in the greater sin and God's wrath more than drinking wine congratulate, congratulations murder, adultery, and other matters. Many people who do not understand Islam fall into it moreover he did not know the evil that has been done. Who would like to congratulate someone for-vice, kebid'ahannya, and kekufurannya mean he defied the wrath of God. "So he rahimahullaah expression.Congratulate illegitimate infidels on their religious holidays, as described by Ibn al-Qayyim, because in it there is recognition of syi'ar-syi'ar Ridla against kufr and although he himself was not pleased kufr for himself. Nevertheless, for a Muslim forbidden pleasure to syi'ar-syi'ar kufr or congratulate the syi'ar to others, because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala no pleasure to all that, as his word,إن تكفروا فإن الله غني عنكم ولا يرضى لعباده الكفر وإن تشكروا يرضه لكم"If you disbelieve, then verily, Allah has no need (faith) and he does not meridai your disbelief for His slaves, and if you are grateful, undoubtedly He meridai kesyukuranmu you that." (Surat al-Zumar: 7)اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا"This day have I perfected for you your religion, and I'd had both ends My favor unto you, and I'd had it so ridai Islam religion for you." (Surat Al-Maida: 3) and congratulate them with all that is unclean, both participate in it or not. "
Congratulate the religious symbols of the unbelievers is forbidden by consensus.If they say they are happy holidays to us, we should not respond, because it's not our feast and God Almighty is not pleased with the holiday, whether it is a heresy or simply set in their religion. But really it was removed with the advent of Islam with which Allah has sent Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to all beings. God has said about Islam,ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين"Anyone looking for a religion other than Islam, it will not ever be accepted (religion) thereof, and he Hereafter among those who lose." (Surah Al 'Imran: 85).A Muslim is forbidden to meet their invitation to this celebration, because it is larger than congratulate them, because in this case it means to participate in their celebrations. Also forbidden for Muslims to emulate the kuffar by holding parties in momentum or exchanging gifts, sharing sweets, parcel, dismiss the work and so on. It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam,من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم"Whoever resembles a people, he belonged to them." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and Ibn Hibban dishahihkan)Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah Iqtidha in his book 'al-shirath al-Ashab al-Mustaqim Mukhalafah Jahim said, "Looks like most of them in their own feast of creates a sense of fun in their hearts (of the Muslims) against their convictions vanity. And it could be feeding on them on this occasion and conquer the weak. "So saying he rahimahullah.And whoever did among those things, then he is guilty, whether he did it just lip service or because of love, because of embarrassment or other reasons. Because, those who form mudahanan (penyepelan) against the religion of Allah and can cause mental teguhnya kuffar and proud of their religion.
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